
Plan 0

The jaguar growled while striking at the barrier again, but that barely did anything.

"Do you think you can keep me here forever while you work to succeed in this little plan of yours?" the jaguar asked. "Do you not believe it when I say I will tear you to shred and feast on your corpse."

"No, I believe you," the woman said without blinking an eye. "That is why we used a barrier in the first place."

"By the time this barrier comes down, either of two things will have happened," the yellow-robed figure with the crisscross pattern on his robe said.

"Either we won't get any answer from the kid and will be forced to kill you in this formation slowly," the white-robed Zhou Tianqiu said.

"Or we will have gotten our answer and will be strong enough to kill you without needing this formation." A creepy smile appeared on the old man with missing teeth and a deathly face.
