
Crazy Pervert Lion!!

"Oh my God?? Seriously?? Leonardo being mayor?" Jasmine's eyes narrowed. Her husband is the number one man in town?? With his arrogance and personality? Seriously?

"That's right, he will announce it during the company's anniversary gathering party. And that means you will become the wife of the mayoral candidate, Miss," said Kesya.

"Every pair of eyes will surely judge your role as Mr. Leon's companion. How surprised they will be if you wear such sexy and luxurious clothes." Kesya pointed to Relia's dress. Jasmine swallowed her saliva heavily. Kesya's words weren't wrong. Her thighs are exposed.

"As the wife of a candidate for mayor, you must look modest but elegant. You must be able to create an image as a good woman who is concerned with the condition of the people, not showing off wealth." Kesya pointed at the red dress. Now Jasmine understood why Leonardo had changed her dress.
