
Trying to Let go

I noticed that the content of that paper seemed to be computer printed rather than written by hand. It was rather odd that someone would do so much hassle just to spread rumours about her.

What an easy girl she is.

This was written there if I wasn't wrong. It was rather difficult to trace the perpetrator under such unlikely circumstances. Anyone could've done like one of her ex-boyfriends.

But that was a mere speculation on my side.

Since we had no leads, that simply meant I had room for improvisation.

"That's printed isn't it? I can frame you and no one will bat an eye." I said, and it seemed to catch his attention as he asked in quite an agitated tone, "How will you do that!?"

I didn't say anything except for staring at him. It's often a really useful method to get people to say something unnecessary. To fill in the silence, one might get nervous and end up spilling the beans.
