
Chapter 140: Like Ninjas


“So you’re saying that they’re getting closer?” Ellie asked. She was feeding Michaela cereal in her highchair. Now that the baby was getting older, she was ready for more solid foods. Ellie didn’t mind feeding her other foods now that she was ready for it, though part of her was still irritated every time her child ate anything other than her own breast milk after the stunt Shelby had pulled with that formula when Michaela was younger. Her friend had thought she was helping, but it wasn’t cool. Shelby was still apologizing over it all of these weeks later.

“Yeah, it seems like it. We’ve got extra patrols out there, but it does make me nervous. I just don’t understand how we can’t catch them,” River said, sitting at the table next to them, drinking a cup of coffee. Dinner would be ready soon, but he’d come home a little early, wanting to talk to her.
