
Raid Shop


"Phew, this is life~"

After a whole hour of just eating, we moved to the bath with my family, because everyone else had already taken their bath, it was just all of us, so we just went to one bath despite the gendered separation.

"Blub, blub, blub…"

Drakda was swimming around the water like a little puppy, while making bubbles, it was very cute how he moved his tail around to paddle his way through.

"Phew, this bath is sure relaxing~" Miranda sighed, floating over the warm water.

"Doesn't it bother you a bit though? Like, isn't that fire venerable looking at us right now?" wondered Benladann.

"Well, it would be for the best of his future that he wouldn't," I smiled. "I will find out if he did or not, and once I get strong enough I might give him a good beating."

"Y-You're not being serious right now, right?" Miranda wondered, rising an eyebrow.

"Why wouldn't I? Hahah!" I laughed, relaxing.
