
Before the Race.


Nothing to say I guess...

Just hope that you ENJOY!


"Do you really think it is a good idea Spike? What if someone catches us there?" Said Sweetie Bell as he guided her towards the Sugarcube Corner.

"Don't worry Sweetie. Everyone is going to be at the Running of the Leaves and I wanted to take you on a proper date for months!" Said Spike with his cheeks dying red at his last remark not unlike Sweetie Bell when she heard his words.

They were dating in secret for almost half a year with occasional secret dates far from the open and they were surprised that no one had yet figured out anything...well, excluding Starfall. They doubted that they could hide something from the Powerful unicorn. Spike knew that His "dad" had the tendency to try to know everything around him and would have probably became a control freak if he wasn't consciously stopping himself from going overboard... So it wasn't surprising when he found out about their relationship, but he just told them not to do something stupid and he didn't share their secret despite mentioning that there wasn't much reason to hide it in the first place. Most ponies wouldn't care about their difference in species and Starfall wanted to see Rarity's expression when she learned about her Sister's love life...

When Spike learned about the Running of the leaves, he instantly came up with the idea to invite his marefriend on a date during the event. Before long the duo arrived at the sweet store and sat at a table in the corner before Spike ordered a strawberry cake and a big chocolate hayshake from the counter, trying to play down the fact that he was buying the larger treat for two... Mrs Cake acted oblivious and gave him his order. Spike wondered for a second why did she put two straws into the hayshake instead of one but he decided to shrug it off, while Mrs, Cake tried to suppress her amusement as she watched the young Dragon going towards an excited Sweetie Bell.

She guessed their relationship long ago, but she wouldn't tell if they want to keep it a secret. Plus, She really enjoyed watching the cute spectacle of the two sneaking around...

Spike brought the treats smiling at the filly in front of him, but Sweetie Bell couldn't help but ask...

"How did you took the order without Auntie Cake figuring anything out?" She Said.

"Oh. I said that the cake was for me and the Hayshake was for you." He said smugly, but Sweetie Bell looked at the shake and asked...

"And the straws?" She pointed at the two straws in the Hayshake.

"Uhh...I think it's if I wanted to have a taste... It's a big shake so maybe she was worried that you wouldn't be able to drink it all..." He said suddenly unsure, but Sweetie Bell seemed to accept this explanation as she just nodded and smiled happily.

The Sugarcube Corner was currently deserted and the corner they sat in was invisible from the direction of the counter, giving them the privacy they hoped for as the date started with the two eating and drinking their treats together.

It felt really nice to be like this in a place that was public, even if there was no "public" so to speak. But that only made it better as they could focus on each other while drinking from the same Hayshake.

Spike also enjoyed a sweet kiss after Sweetie Bell tried to feed him some cake using her mouth to hold it.

It was an exciting and enjoyable date and Sweetie Bell was happy that Spike cared for her so much even after they were together for so long, not getting bored and always trying to make her happy...


"Fillies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to the annual Running of the Leaves Competition! I'm sure that all of you are as excited about it as I am to eat this delicious Muffin! Derpy was so kind to gift me with it after she proposed to join me in the commentary!" Said an excited Pinkie inside the Basket of balloon as Derpy facehoofed embarrassed for being put in the spotlight about her little bribe.

At first she wanted to take part in the competition but a friend pointed out that she wasn't good in figuring out directions and she could take part as the commentator together with Pinkie if she knew how to convince her.

That part wasn't complicated as she and Pinkie Pie both shared a love for Muffins and Derpy always had a few of them stashed as a snack, so she parted with one to get Pinkie Pie to agree with letting her join her in the balloon.

"Thank you Pinkie for the warm welcome...Let's hope that this is going to be a wonderful day, and that you give your all in the upcoming Race.

The leaves are colorful and ready to fall, so Its surely going to be an unforgettable experience for everypony..." Announced Derpy a bit shyly. She wasn't used to being in the spotlight, but she considered it an interesting experience just like taking part in the competition, so she wasn't going to shy away from doing her part.

It was going to be an exciting day for the crosseyed Pegasus...


Ponies stood at the Starting line, some of them stretching, others talking about the upcoming race and Starfall couldn't help but comment to the sight of Applejack Binding Rainbow's wings tightly with a rope.

"You think Applejack's into Bondage? We never explored that area, but she seems pretty good with that rope..." He joked and Twilight couldn't help but giggle as she stood beside him.

"I dunno but I think Rainbow got a little wet down there. What are the chances that's she's a closed Sub?" She asked and Starfall instantly glanced at The colorful mare's backside. It was hard to tell with the tail covering most of her garden but he was pretty sure that Twilight was right.

"Huh...Who would have thought... It's certainly not something I would have expected knowing her character...But I'm curious how did you find it out when I didn't. Were you looking at her rear by any chance Twily?" He asked with an amused expression as she blushed and turned her head away from him.

"And what if I am? I wanted to have a taste of that colorful backside for a very long time, you know? She was the first to flirt with you in Ponyville so how is it that you are yet to have a go at her Love? It's unlike you." She teased him back, but he knew that she was actually serious. She liked the feeling of being his first mare. The one to control his herd, and she was also turning out to be bisexual as far as he could tell, which led to some pretty entertaining situations when he was having fun with his other mares...

He also found it amusing that the First mare to flirt and tease him in Ponyville, was yet to become his girl, and even Fluttershy already got the better of her by a significant margin.

Turns out that the most daring of the six elements of harmony was completely inept when it came to relationships. She could tease and flirt but to actually really act on it seemed to be above her.

Starfall apparently had to be more proactive with the colorful Pegasus...

"Are all the ponies ready?!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie and Derpy moved to join her.

"The Ann- U ohh... *cough* The Annual Running of the Leaves Competition will start soon. Please get ready!" Said Derpy after finally turning her head in the right direction where Pinkie held the megaphone...

Then the countdown started and directly following it was Pinkie's and Derpy's unison and loud-

