
Calm before...

The walk back to Ponyville turned out to be much more pleasant than the walk to the Castle of the Two Sisters. The seven ponies walked side by side, chatting about their adventure and about the new 'jewelery' that they were now in possession of.

Celestia and Luna walked on the front of the group, easily scaring off any danger with just their sheer magical presence, so they didn't have to worry about anything short of an Ursa Major.

Starfall felt that the atmosphere between him and the girls somehow changed after this adventure, but he didn't feel like it was a bad change so he moved it to the back of his head for the time being.

He really felt excited with everything that happened in the last few hours and the only worry he had were the reactions of Spike and Phoebe as neither he nor Twilight informed them about anything.

His worries were unfounded though, as when they finally arrived in the Library after making a scene in Ponyville with the appearance of the princesses, they found Spike chatting in earnest with Sweetie Bell in front of a game of chess. Phoebe stood to the side and appeared to be moving Spike's pawns whenever he wasn't looking, putting him in a disadvantage against the filly.

"Oh hey you're back!" Called out Spike in happiness while turning his head towards them. Phoebe used that moment to move a pawn so that Sweetie Bell's Bishop had a clear way for a checkmate.

Spike Quickly run to Starfall and Twilight and hugged them tightly while Sweetie Bell did the same with her sister.

"We were so worried about you! Sweetie Bell came when the sun finally raised and told us what happened in the Town Hall! The only reason I didn't panic was because the day meant that you succeeded!...You succeeded, right?" He asked glancing at princess Luna warily.

Starfall laughed and ruffled Spike's head fin.

"Yes we succeeded. Sit down so that we can tell you the story." He said with a smile and Spike grinned back.

"I'll bring some snacks then!" He said, and run into the kitchen followed by a white phoenix.


After a while of explanation and idle talk, the topic finally turned towards some other matters, the first one being the Elements of Harmony.

Celestia originally wanted to take them to Canterlot for safekeeping, but Starfall countered that idea with the reasoning that taking The elements so far from their bearers was inefficient and potentially dangerous if they were ever needed. That also brought the problem of Twilight and him currently living in Canterlot but for that there was also a simple solution, as Starfall saw it as no problem at all in moving to Ponyville. Twilight was of two minds about this idea due to all the friends and family she would be leaving behind but everyone, Starfall included, assured her that she would have their support in whatever decision she made. Starfall also added that wherever she goes, he would go as well, which finally nailed her decision on staying in Ponyville.

Pinkie Pie instantly announced that a sleepover was in order but Twilight postponed it for after they were done with moving all their stuff from Canterlot. The discussion would have lasted longer but after another half an hour Royal guards finally found the location of their Princess...es and they requested that she...they return to the Canterlot Palace to calm the public, so their meeting came to an end.

After a heartfelt goodbye, everyone dispersed to take care of their duties or just simply to jump into bed after the overly long night...

Starfall and Twilight found themselves alone in the house, with only Spike and Phoebe doing some cleaning around and with the Elements of Harmony lying on the table.

Starfall was very eager to start the examination of the elements of Harmony as the stones practically oozed power and his Magic Sight only told him what he already knew...they were Strong... So strong that he was completely blinded and it was almost impossible to discern the Magical Symbols that formed the magic of the crystals.

he wanted to...really wanted to... his passion for magic was compelling him to... But there was a certain pretty, purple mare that was currently brushing her body over his side and snuggling her head into his neck as she tended to do often lately.

He didn't dislike it... No... He loved the feeling. But this time it felt somehow different...

He could feel the deep emotions emanating from Twilight as she tried to relay her feelings through this simple cuddling gesture.

Starfall felt that the last barriers he had around his heart finally melted away as he turned towards the blushing mare and cupped her cheek with his hoof.

She looked at him and her facade finally crumbled as tears started to fell freely from her eyes.

"I...was so *Sob* worried about you..." She started to cry into his chest as he enveloped her in a one-hoofed hug.

He felt the sincerity of the mare whom he considered his best friend since they were little foals.

"I saw you fighting there and... I couldn't do anything!...Only your words finally helped me figure it out..." She said recalling his fight with Nightmare Moon.

"It was always you Starfall. You were always better, smarter...You knew what to do, whom to ask, where to go. You led me around and taught me so many things..."She looked into his eyes and caressed his cheek.

"Through all those years I always felt like a second, like the one destined to stay in your shadow but I never felt bad about it because you were the best thing that ever happened to me... Starfall...Do you think I'm useless..." She asked him and Starfall was shocked with what Twilight just asked him.

"You useless?.." He asked incredulously. "Twily...If you are useless, then 99% of all Ponies are worth less than zero. You are one of the most amazing Mares i know Twilight! I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that you're useless, but I ask you to quickly take that back!" He said seriously.

'You know I always admired you Twilight...I saw how hard you worked, how much you tried to become my equal and how often you succeeded with your sheer determination. You surpassed your peers, your seniors... You proved time and time again that even without my help every now and then, you would still have become this amazing pony that I am proud to call my Bestestestes Childhood friend in the entire world. You are the one most important pony in my life and if I ever choose to have more of them you need to first approve of them before I would allow them into our life." Starfall suddenly realized what he just said, and it was clear that Twilight did too as they were currently locked in a staring contest with their eyes mere inches from each other.

"Do you mean that..." Twilight asked, only to feel their lips touching in a heated kiss.

New tears started to fall from her eyes as she separated from him, but her hooves stayed wrapped around his neck.

"That's not fair...We were supposed to go on a date...There ought to be flowers a-and a cake..." She muttered causing Starfall to giggle and give her another kiss.

"I'll take you on as many dates as my Royal coffers can afford Twily. Just don't tell Celestia about the cake, or she's going to eat them all." He joked and Twilight giggled.

They stayed like this just hugging each other and enjoying each other's presence until Twilight finally whispered.

"I dreamed about it since I was nine years old... Before that... i liked to imagine myself marrying you, having children, and a cat or a dog, all living together in a house full of books... And now here we are. A baby Dragon, a Phoenix, and a house in a Library. In a sense most of my dreams are already fulfilled *giggle*" She said and Starfall couldn't help but laugh and hug the Purple pony even harder than before.

"Like I told you...One of a kind...

I Love you Twilight.." He whispered and she stilled before melting deeper into his embrace.

"I Love you Starfall..."


After that confession, the two ponies spend the rest of the day cleaning the house and preparing it for bringing the other items from Canterlot. Through all this, they never left each other's side as they basked in the other one's presence.

In the evening, Starfall prepared a romantic dinner with Twilight's favourite dishes, and the Mare enjoyed herself immensely.

As they were finally cleaned up and ready to sleep, Twilight walked up to Starfall and gave him a goodnight kiss.

"That was probably the best day of my life Starfall...I...I..." She tried to say something as her hoof was gently pushing Starfall towards his room.

"Twilight...I..." He tried to say something but was stopped by another searing kiss as Twilight closed the doors to his room and he bumped his leg on the edge of the bed.

Their eyes once again met as he looked at her closely.

"Are you sure Twilight? There's no going back afterwards." He gently caressed her cheek as he waited for her answer.

He got it in the shape of another kiss.

"Yes. There's no one else I'd ever want to give it to...and I want to be your first before the others join." She said as she gently pushed Starfall onto the mattress...

// Ha! Next chapter sauce! No kids allowed past this point on XD

Hope you liked how this chapter turned out as it honestly felt quiet awkward at times //
