


Benvolio received a message sent to his email. He immediately opened the message and read it.

To: Benvolio Constanzo.

Figliolo, papà vuole chiedere il tuo aiuto. Callista vuole prendersi una vacanza e seguire dei corsi a Shanghai. Puoi occupartene mentre sei a Shanghai?

(My son, Papa wants to ask for your help. Callista wants to take a vacation and take lessons in Shanghai. Can you take care of it while in Shanghai)?

From: Xavier Constanzo.

Benvolio snorted lazily after receiving this message.

Callista will only add to his duties in Shanghai. But he couldn't refuse Xavier's request, his adoptive Papa.

"Tsk, why did that spoiled little sister have to choose Shanghai anyway? My business here is still far from over!" Benvolio huffed in annoyance and immediately got ready to go to the CNY Company. Before he left, he took the time to reply to Xavier's message, his adoptive father.

"Hey, are you ready, Ben?" Pavlo patted Benvolio on the shoulder, making sure he was ready to leave for the CNY Company.

"Yes, I have. Let's go now." Benvolio agreed and immediately rushed out of Biserka's apartment.


The main base of CNY Company. Shanghai, China.

"Why would a giant company leader like him want to see me? Do we have a joint project with their company?" asked Mataya confused, why a president director of a large international company made an appointment with him.

"I also don't know the exact reason. Our clients just said they wanted to discuss a project with you," answered Vla explaining to Mataya.

Mataya nodded in understanding and then asked about the case's progress being handled at her prosecutor's office in Indonesia, "Is there anything new about the case we are working on in Indonesia?"

"Yes, there is an update from the case. However, it is not very specific, and the validation is still uncertain, Mataya," said Vla then showed the information from her smartphone.

Mataya sighed. "Okay, we'll take care of the case later, after the meeting with our client is over," she replied.

In the middle of Mataya and Vla's conversation, a staff contacted Vla that the clients had arrived at the company.

Vla immediately informed Mataya of this information.

"Wow, why did they come earlier than the scheduled meeting? Alright, let's go to the company to meet them," said Mataya and immediately stepped out of her private room.

The distance between the main base and the CNY Company is very close. It only takes about 10-15 minutes. Mataya deliberately set up the company's main base near her company center to make it easier to monitor and meet her clients.


The company center of CNY Company. Shanghai, China.

Mataya arrived at her company and was greeted by all the staff there.

The head of personnel greeted and bowed respectfully to Mataya. She immediately directed Mataya to where her clients were.

Before entering the room occupied by her clients, Mataya smiled and thanked Wei Mian as the head of personnel at her company, to escort and direct him to the room where her clients were.

Mataya and Vla immediately entered the room.


Benvolio and Pavlo, who saw the door to the room open and reveal two women, immediately stood up as a sign of their respect.

Benvolio, who saw Mataya's face reflexively, pointed his finger at Mataya, "You?"

"Ben, what surprised you? Biserka already told us they were twins," Pavlo whispered to Benvolio waking him up.

Mataya, who was surprised to be suddenly pointed like that by her client, could only answer, "Yes?" while smiling at Benvolio.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Miss. It's just that it seems we've met before," said Benvolio to Mataya.

Pavlo, who heard Benvolio's words, panicked, couldn't understand what Benvolio wanted to do, "Ben?!"

"Ah, really, sir? Sorry, I don't remember," answered Mataya, not remembering the meeting Benvolio was referring to.

"Tch, you're the girl who bumped into me at the airport and dropped my smartphone," replied Benvolio, annoyed that Mataya didn't remember that she had accidentally met him and dropped his smartphone without properly apologizing to him.

Mataya, who heard Benvolio's words in an unpleasant tone, did not accept, "Ah yes, I remember now. You were the one who cursed while at the airport in Italian. I did bump into you that time, sir. Because I didn't put up with the words, you kept muttering at the airport." Mataya smiled mockingly at Benvolio.

"Hey! Airports are public places! I'm free to say whatever I want!" replied Benvolio, whose emotions grew hotter.

"Precisely because it's a public place, I'm also free to listen to what I want to hear," Mataya replied and began to join the emotion of facing Benvolio.

Vla, who overheard the two's conversation not going as smoothly and naturally as it should, immediately restrained Mataya and apologized to Benvolio and Pavlo.

"Hey, Mataya, calm down, okay?" she said slowly to Mataya, trying to persuade Mataya not to lose control and emotions.

"On behalf of Mataya, I want to apologize also to the gentlemen," continued Vla to Benvolio and Pavlo.

Pavlo also did the same as Vla and apologized to Mataya as well as Vla for the riot that Benvolio made in their company, "Ah yes, it's okay, Miss. I also want to apologize to the ladies for the riot it caused by my superiors."

"Alright, can we just talk about our business right away?" Pavlo tried to lighten the mood and divert the debate between Mataya and Benvolio.

"Yes, of course," answered Mataya and sat down on the sofa next to Benvolio.

"Hey, don't sit next to me, just sit there!" said Benvolio when Mataya had sat down and taken the sofa next to him.

Even Mataya couldn't understand what her client had been looking for since the beginning. "Hey, sir, forgive me for saying this, but you have no self-awareness! You're the one sitting there! How dare you kick me out! Besides, now you're in my company, not yours!" Mataya said sarcastically to Benvolio.

Mataya put on a cynical face and an unfriendly look with Benvolio.

Benvolio did not want to lose and did the same as Mataya.

Pavlo then stopped the two of them again and said, "Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it looks like your debate should end here. Oh yeah, I'll introduce myself again. My name is Pavlo, and the one who's been making all this fuss, the head of BCIF, Benvolio Constanzo."

"Pav, how dare you?! Why are you humiliating me?" Benvolio said quietly to Pavlo, annoyed that he had been humiliated.

"I didn't embarrass you, Ben. You embarrassed yourself earlier," Pavlo whispered in response to Benvolio's words.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the project we want to offer is to build a fighter plane on behalf of our company. Don't worry. You guys will own a portion of the shares of this project," Pavlo said, explaining their project to Mataya and Vla.

-to be continued-

Hi, dear! How are you guys? I hope you guys always fine! Don't forget to take a rest if you really need that, don't push yourself too hard^^

As usually, don't hesitate to give me criticism and suggestions^^


Chasalla16creators' thoughts