
Chapter 84: Entry Into The Land Of Beasts! A Daring Adventure!

We now return to the present day after Watsumoto finished his story. "Thank you all for listening. It brings me great hope children of your age are so kind…"


"You don't have to thank us, Watsumoto. We'll try to get Phyton out of reach if you give us something in return," says Mei.


"And what would that be?"


"Will you and your clan transport us back to Ozania once we're done? Our ship isn't in flying condition at the moment."


"Understood, but I'd talk it over with your comrades. This will not be a simple task."


"Wait a second!" says Navar.


Miri smacks Navar on the back of the head, the sound of her palm hitting his skull echoing in the room. "Watch the way you talk to people, idiot!"


"Back off, Miri! This is a good question!"


"It's alright, young one. What's your question, Navar?"


"You're one of the Supreme Lords, correct? Shouldn't you be able to just go in there and defeat them all on your own?"


"While I wish I could do that… I can't. Unfortunately, the spell caster of the curse keeps me from being within the same realm as Phyton. I went there a few months after he was cursed and felt a wave of sickness. Had I gone any further, I'd likely not be sitting amongst you all right now."


"I see... So, will you send any of your Chiefs with us?"


"I'm afraid not. They tried to go into the land and made it, only to be caught and put under the same curse as I did."


"That black mage sure seems troublesome. What if we run into him?" asks Chitose.


"It'd be in your best interest to leave the area immediately,"


"Well, if he tries anything, I can stop him!" Because I know many spell counters for curses!"


"That's a good thing, young mage. I'll help you all by having my son, and Yimono give you a hand. You'll need all the help you can get once you enter."


"Alright, thanks, Watsumoto. We'll consider it. Now, follow me to the treehouse, guys. We'll vote on this," says Mei.


The group enters the tree house, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath their feet. Mei shuts the door behind them, muffling the sound of the rustling leaves outside. "Alright, guys, since we have seven people, we can put it to a vote. Show of hands. Who wants to do this mission?"


Navar, Chitose, and Astran raise their hands. Navar's eyes beam with fury as he glares at Jax and Miri. "Wait, why don't you guys wanna do this?"


"Because it's dangerous, Navar, and we're entering territory we know nothing about. Do you think we can just waltz into the territory of someone who fought Watsumoto and came out alive? That isn't smart."


"Yeah, I agree with Miri. We're not ready to fight someone like Phyton. We should wait until we can get a signal out here and fly away. Watsumoto gave us a choice on if we wanted to," says Seiju.


Miri nods in agreement with Seiju. "Thank you, Seiju,"


"Anytime babe," Seiju winks at Miri and gives her a playful smile.


Miri recoils from Seiju's lecherous remarks and shakes her head, trying to rid herself of the feeling. "Shut up, you're grossing me out."


Navar's condescending laughter fills the room as he narrows his eyes in anger, glaring at Miri. "Scared as always when you're put to the test! So typical of you, Miri. Nothin' but a coward!"


Miri's chest heaves as she clutches her fists at her sides, her eyes locked onto Navar's with unbridled anger. "Who the hell do you think you're calling a coward, dumbass? I'm trying to get everyone here to think rationally."


"Oh, right. Think 'rationally,' keep makin' excuses for bein' scared! We owe Watsumoto for helpin' us! Ain't that what Dad taught us? Return the favor to those who have done good to you. Have you forgotten that already?"


"You think I'm scared for actually thinking this through? Figures. That's something you've always struggled with."


Navar's eyes narrow, and his brow rises in anger. "What are you callin' me stupid?!"


"Of course, I am, idiot!"


Navar marches toward Miri, his footsteps heavy and angry, causing the floorboards to creak beneath them. "I'd rather be an idiot than a jerk like you. You always think you're so much better than everyone! Dad even thinks that!"


"Why do you lump in Dad, when you and I argue? You're such an idiot..."


"I'd rather be an idiot than a coward..."


Miri unsheathes her dagger, the metal ringing against the sheath. "Keep calling me a coward. Watch what happens."


Navar shoves Miri, causing her to stumble and fall to the floor. "Why don't you do somethin' about it then!"


"That's it!" The wooden floorboards creak under Miri's weight as she scrambles to get back up.


"Woah, guys, calm down!" Jax steps in between Navar and Miri, his heart pounding against his chest as he tries to calm them down.


Navar's face twists into an intense glare as he glares at Jax. "Jax, what do you think?! Do you wanna do this?! You can change your mind!"


Jax hesitates, his mind racing as he tries to make a decision. He can feel the weight of everyone's expectations bearing down on him. "I uh- I- Well, you see-"


"Don't drag him into this, you idiot! He's made it clear he doesn't want to do this!" says Miri.


"And who do you think you are to decide for him?!"


"He already decided himself, Navar. Why don't you let him have his own choice why-"


"Alright, Navar and Miri, that's enough. You've both made your points," says Mei.


"But Mei! We haven't heard Jax say what he-"


"I said enough!"


Silence envelops the room, broken only by the occasional chirps of a cricket. Mei shoots Chitose and Astran a curious glance, her eyes scanning their faces. "Why do you two think we should enter the Land of Beasts?"


"Because I think it'd be a great measure of strength. The stronger opponents you fight, the stronger you can become," says Astran.


Chitose nods in agreement. "I agree, and besides. We could easily beat this Phyton guy if I were on the mission."


"I see…" Mei furrows her brow, lost in thought, as she considers her options. "Since I am the deciding vote, I'll decide that we'll go on the mission. Watsumoto has given us hospitality despite him being another dynasty that rivals our own."


"Woah, sis! You're crazy! Do you realize Phyton fought Watsumoto?! Do you really think we have a shot in hell at beating him?"


"While he fought Watsumoto, that was ages ago. We're all a strong bunch of Supernaturals, and this will be a good test of our power. I suggest getting some rest since this won't be easy. You're all dismissed."


"Yes, Ma'am!" says everyone.


The group departs to their tree houses, and we now go into the POV of Navar, Miri, and Jax in a tension-filled tree house stricken by silence for hours. The creaking of wooden floors echoes in the room as Jax walks toward Navar and taps him on the shoulder. "Navar, are you ok? You haven't spoken to us for hours?"




"You know what? I'm sick of this shit!" says Miri.


"Sick of what?" asks Navar.


"I'm sick of you thinking you know what's best for everyone, always so damn naïve. You consider no one else's feelings except yourself!" Miri confronts Navar face to face. "How about considering how we feel for once, Navar? Instead of being so damn ignorant and selfish."


A silence occurs in the conversation between Miri Navar and Jax. "G-guys," says Jax.


"No, Jax, it's fine…. I understand now… both of my siblings are spineless cowards who don't wanna help people. If anyone is selfish, it's the both of you."


Navar walks into the bathroom and locks the door. The lock clicking can be heard, and the room becomes even more silent. "Navar, wait!" Jax tries to walk toward the bathroom, but Miri places her hand before him.


"No Jax. Just let him cool off. Let's get some rest."


"O,k Miri…" says Jax.


After eight long hours, a sudden blaring sound of the entries' pagers disrupts their peaceful slumber. "Ok guys, it's time..." says Mei through the pager.


Navar scrambles out of the bathroom, donning his Warrior armor. He notices Jax and Miri already changed into their uniforms and glances at them with a twinge of resentment. "Oh, so you guys aren't scared anymore?"


"You know what qu-"


Miri tries to retort, but Jax cuts her off by touching her shoulder. "Miri, let it go.."


"Fine. As for you, Navar, don't think you'll talk to us like that during the mission."


"Whatever Miri. Let's get the hell out of here."


They go toward the treehouse, where they met Watsumoto, and he's with Mz. Ivy. "Are you all sure you want to go? You don't have to do this if you don't want to."


"We put it to a vote yesterday. We're ready," says Mei.


"Very well. Ivy, Transport them to the Land Of Beasts."


"Of course. Now, sweeties, this might feel a lil' strange. But, y'all will be fine," Mz. Ivy draws a spell circle around them, and the intricate patterns glow with otherworldly green light. "I call upon the forces of Voodoo to give me aid, grant me the ability to transport to the realm I desire. Magic Spell Voodoo Sorcery: Realm Transportation!" As she speaks the incantation, the light bursts, and they're transported to "The Land Of Beasts.".


Upon completing the spell, the group finds themselves in a desolate forest shrouded in darkness. The surrounding trees are dead and inanimate, casting eerie shadows that dance in the faint moonlight. The air was filled with crows cackling, crickets chirping, and distant growls that echoed through the gloomy atmosphere. Seiju shudders at the sight of the desolate forest. "This is horrifying," says Seiju.


"Is your compass working, Jax?" asks Mei.


"No, the compass is actin' funny," says Jax.


"Okay, guys, let's move forward," says Mei.


We now go into the POV of a throne with Phyton sitting in it. "It would seem we have visitors who have arrived within my domain. Eliminate these disturbances right now."


A massive horde of beasts comes stampeding toward the group. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me!" says Seiju.

Wow... Things really became tense with our Okayasu trio. This is the first time they've gotten into a heated argument that's broken their unbreakable bond slightly. And the 'Land Of Beasts'... oh boy. It seems they're marching into dangerous territory.

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