
Chapter 77: A Conflict Arises! Battle With The Indigenous Tribe!

Mei studies the mysterious green-skinned child, taking note of the intricate details on his wooden mask and the natural textures of his leafy pants. "That marking on his mask looks like an emblem I've seen before, but that is it?" Mei thinks to herself. "Who in the hell are you!?"

"That is none of your concern. What my concern is what you are doing on my homeworld?"

"We just crashed here; I promise we're not looking for any trouble."

"Ok then, drop your equipment and belongings, and hand them over to me."

Mei furrows a brow, her eyes narrowing as the child's demands take her aback. "Now, why would I do something like that? We'd be surrendering to strangers."

"Because you might be carrying deadly equipment in them. If that's the case, I need to stop the threat."

"Wait, why are we not fighting him? It's seven of us and one of him!" says Navar.

"I thought one of you would say that," Multiple individuals dressed in the same style of clothing as the mysterious Supernatural appears from the trees, the sound of their approach drowned out by the rustling leaves and snapping twigs.

Miri smacks Navar on the back of the head. "You and your stupidity."

Mei searches for an escape route but finds none, so she prepares for the fight by igniting Flame JōKai in both hands, the flames casting an orange glow around her. "Guys, I'd hate to say it, but we're fighting our way out of this one."

"I'm glad we are," Navar tightens his grip on his sword's hilt, flashing a confident smile as he prepares to face the masked creatures.

"Attack them!" With a loud battle cry, the masked people charge toward the Ozanian group, brandishing their spears.

Chitose moves her fingers around the top of her mage stick, and then, tiny winged creatures materialize in the air. "I conjure the unrivaled divination from the power of fairies. Magic Spell Fairy Sorcery: Pixie Dust!" Chitose's mage stick emits a brilliant burst of light, and suddenly a glittery substance fills the air, causing some of the masked people to collapse in a heap.

Astran propels herself forward, her sword drawn and coated with Cosmic JōKai as she charges towards the masked group. "Cosmic Blade: Astraeus Disturbance!" As Astran attacks, a powerful force ripples through the area, sending the masked people flying and kicking up clouds of dust and debris.

From the top branch of a tree, the mysterious, masked Supernatural watches the Ozanians fight and studies their different fighting styles. "So it seems they're all Great Force Holders. This is going to be more challenging than I thought."

As he continues his observation, Mei appears behind him with a haughty smirk on her face and Flame JōKai brimming in her palm. "Just what do you think you're doing?" Mei hurls a fireball at him, and he leaps from the tree, feeling the rush of air as it whizzes past him.

"That was a close one. That attack could have been fatal. I-"

Miri's sudden materialization catches him off guard, her daggers coated with Dark JōKai. "Twin Dark Daggers: Pouncing Strike!"

"Dark Force?! I thought that was just a myth!" He coats his wooden daggers in a mysterious green force, ready to defend against Miri's assault. "Mystic Daggers Way Of The Jungle King: Paw Push!" Two green roaring lion constructs appear as their weapons collide, the resulting force sending them hurtling in opposite directions.

Miri's mind races as she tries to piece together the events that just happened. "Wood shatters when you attack it with a dominant force. Especially with Ozania Grade 2 steel. What type of wood is that? And What JōKai does he have?"

"So he has Mystic JōKai. No wonder he could cause some damage to me," Mei thinks to herself.

"One uses Magic; One uses Dark; one uses Cosmic, and two use fire. Interesting, maybe I should-"

"Shining Sword: Brave Man's Slash!"

Navar approaches the mysterious youth at a rapid pace, his sword emitting Light JōKai that causes the youth's eyes to widen. "Light Force?!" Navar's blade whistles through the air as he swings it toward the child in the mask. The child evades the slash with a backward leap, but the Light JōKai from Navar's blade leaves a shallow cut on his shoulder. "We can't fight these guys head-on. I have to figure out a way to escape!" He throws several pellets on the ground, and a cloud of dust appears.

As the masked Supernatural and his men retreat to a safe distance, one person in a mask approaches him. "We're getting bombarded here, and you're the only Great Force Holder among us. Don't you think we should call on Chief?"

The masked Supernatural ponders the question until three fiery arrows streak toward them. "Flame Bow: Tri Arrow Shot!" The fire spreads after the three flame arrows strike the trees, consuming everything in its path.

"We have to get out of here! We're no match for them!" The supernatural creature and his entourage begin avoiding the spreading wildfire at all costs, constantly moving away from the flames. As the Supernatural ventures through the fire, he hears a click, and then in an instant, he finds himself in a JōKai Disabling cage.

Jax jumps up and down, feeling the adrenaline rush from trapping the masked person in jail. "Yes! I got him!"

The masked Supernatural pounds against the cold metal bars of the cage in frustration. "Dammit! They trapped me! And I can't use my Great Force, either. This isn't good. Against five Great Force users, they have no chance," the Masked Supernatural thinks to himself. "Guys! Get out of here! Go find Father as fast as possible!"

The tribal soldiers attempt to flee, but the Supernaturals block their path. "You guys won't go any further," says Mei.

"What do we do?! They got us pinned?" asks a masked person.

"Dammit, this isn't good. What can we do now?" the masked supernatural thinks to himself.

The sun appears as if out of nowhere, casting a brilliant light that makes everyone shield their eyes. "Why is the sun shining so bright?" asks Jax.

~The sun shining brighter than even the whitest light, a rare phenomenon caused by a ridiculously powerful creature with an intimate connection to nature, influencing the environment to an unprecedented degree. For over eight centuries, this powerful aura has been pervasive, affecting every living being and every corner of the world throughout the domain. His presence commands respect even from the most powerful beasts, Supernaturals, and other creatures. It is said this creature has fought and stood shoulder to shoulder with some of the most powerful Warriors ever; Ozan, Gladius "The Golden Fist", Pollus, Spector The Conqueror, and many more. The aura is linked to a man of many titles - "The Wisdom King," "The Supreme Wisdom Chief," "The Enlightened One," and the most recognizable of them all, the title of a Supreme Lord like himself - Watsumoto, "Lord of the Wilderness."~

Watsumoto starts a stride forward, his authoritative aura so strong that it silences the entire group. His features are an odd mix of green skin, yellow eyes, and a primate-like facial structure. The race Watsumoto and the other masked creatures among him are known as Advanced Creatures: Shizonian Archetype, creatures who live on the Largest SuperWorld in the Universe, Shizonia. Watsumoto's attire comprises a long cloak made of leaves, a pair of brown sandals, a large wooden coolie, and he holds a long brown wooden staff in his hand. The sun's rays dance around him as he moves forward, creating an ethereal glow, and the masked creatures bow before him with great reverence. Watsumoto's eyes narrow as he glares at the group. "Cease your fighting at once. These people are not our enemies."

"Yes, chief!" says the masked people.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance. My son got a little carried away. My name is Watsumoto, Supreme Chief of Shizonia, and I take it you all are from Ozania."

Mei's eyes widen in surprise upon hearing the famous name of the Supreme Lord before her. "W-Watsumoto… you're telling me we crash-landed on the Shizonian Tribes Planet…"

Wow what a first appeareance! That veteran soldier wasn't kidding when he said the Supreme Lords have unimaginable power! Watsumoto Lord Of The Wilderness. That has a nice ring to it!

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