
Timeskip and Past Life

~ Late update, I have a lot of things to worry about today, and my parents told me that we might have to stay here in my cousin's house til sunday, and then maybe by next week, we will come back to our own house when they paid for our electricity I'm emotionally exhausted right now and writing this novel's the only thing that makes me happy, thank you for reading and staying :)~

10 years later...

1884, Renaldo is currently 18 years old

For 10 years Renaldo's army have grown to the point that they are now numbering 20,000 people, the maximum number Renaldo can support for the time, because of financial restrictions. Each and every one of them are now adults, currently accumulating experience in various mercenary services around the world.

They are led by 2 men, Nicanor and Bonifacio with 1 division each and with each division numbering 10,000 people that are comprised of a mixture of light infantry and heavy infantry. Their divisions are called the First Division and The Second Division respectively. They still haven't shown their weapons yet as they are currently using the Spanish M93s and the Gatling Machine gun with some units using the krupp gun as artillery.

Both Divisions are veterans of various wars, with the first division led by Nicanor mercenary veterans hired by the Ottoman Empire. They have fought in the Greek Macedonian Rebellion, Brsjak Revolt, and the Kurdish Revolt as hired guns. The second division on the other hand, are mercenaries hired by the British Empire and they are veterans of the Second Anglo-Afghan War, and the Anglo-Zulu war. Both divisions performed great on all the wars that they have participated on to the point that the Ottoman Empire and The British Empire are currently trying to rope each mercenaries to their own armies. Unfortunately though, they can't bribe them as Renaldo's buff is strong to the point that each and everyone of them are willing to jump in a pit of fire for Renaldo's sake.

The gunsmiths and the engineers of Renaldo on the other hand have developed a bustling city port in Navotas to the point that the Spanish colonizers are eyeing the city. Too bad for them though as Renaldo has foreseen this situation and prioritized building a fortress and a bay around his port city. The Spanish also doesn't know the current owner of the city as it was bought using Enrico's connections, the current owner of the city is a Spanish man named Miguel Domingo, an adopted son of Enrico. They are also paying the proper tariffs and taxes proposed by the Spaniards with the inclusion of some bribes as to keep those corrupt Spaniards at bay. It also has a standing army of 20,000 Russian Mercenaries hired by Renaldo, they are also fiercely loyal to him as he has used his abilities on them. These 20,000 mercenaries deterred the Spanish as they only has a standing army of 46,000 men spread out all over the country to maintain stability.

Renaldo's current technological advances involved the invention of an armored car based on the M8 Greyhound of the Second World War. It was developed with the help of both Benz and Otto, Renaldo is currently pushing them towards the development of a tank based on the schemes of the Tiger I & II. The developments of the Tiger I are pretty good, and they are getting ready to develop a prototype version of it. Unfortunately, For the Tiger II variant, they are hampered with limited success, so he has invested in another field which might solve this dilemma.

Renaldo is currently banking on the development of several orphans of his whom he is currently tutoring with the help of various retired and hired professors of various universities and colleges in the world. They will be the foundation of his Research Department, comprised of various scientists, gunsmiths, engineers, doctors. They will be the building blocks of his scientific and technological advancements for the future with regards to aviation engineering, naval engineering and maybe even help him develop using nuclear materials for energy and the development of the atomic bomb, but that will have to wait as he still needs to kidnap a certain someone from germany to achieve a significant progress in that field, that guy isn't even born yet but he will soon be, and when the time is ripe, Renaldo has enough capabilities to do what must be done to get that person.

Renaldo doesn't have enough knowledge to develop advance transportation in the fields of aviation and naval technology but with the help of some of his people, he has developed some units of world war I technology with regards to both fields, he has developed prototype fighter, bomber and recon planes that are currently in their testing stages and are still unsafe for military use, but he has fared better in the development of the naval units with the exception of submarines as they are quite tricky even for a person from the future like Renaldo. He probably needs to hire some people to build them. Aside from that though, Renaldo has developed a prototype aircraft carrier based on various aircraft carriers that he has read about in his past life. Although he still can't use it currently but it is still a very great advancement considering that he is in the dark about a lot of naval technologies as he hasn't focused on these things in his past life. On the topic of ships though, Renaldo currently has 2 prototype dreadnoughts that are much cheaper than their counterparts from other countries. He also has 3 battleships that are ready to use, one armored cruiser, 4 normal cruisers and 10 monitor ships and a bunch of gunboats and yachts hidden in undiscovered islands and alcoves around the country.

On the side of communication though, Renaldo has a really huge advantage considering that in this current era, radio communication is still very unreliable, so his animals are his biggest advantage on this field but Renaldo doesn't want to heavily rely on these because they will be outdated in a few years, so he improved upon the best method of communication that is used in the current era, The radio.

Compared to this era's unreliable radio communication, Renaldo has developed a two-way radio that was used in the second world war, this will be his ace up his sleeves against his enemies, because in war, communication is always the key to success. Several wars have been won due to superior communication which led to better strategies and planning.

With the current state of things, Renaldo has a massive advantage over the Spaniards around the country but he is still biding his time, he is still holding back because despite his military advantage, despite his technological edge over his enemies, he still has a lot of factors to consider before waging a war of independence, for what is victory without the support and recognition of the masses? What will he liberate if the people are not congruent with his idea? The masses are angry but are not angry enough, If he wins this revolution, he might not reap the benefits for himself but instead reap the benefits for other people.

Starting the revolution early might result in a threeway leadership between Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao with various warlords popping up in these bodies of lands. These will result in a very ugly standoff that will lead to various filipinos fighting amongst themselves, they might even be conquered by other countries because they are not united. Renaldo knows how the filipino mind operates, they are kind people, but they greedy, ignorant and are full of pride.

They are also easy to manipulate given the fact that in his past life, he has read about a certain president in the early 21st century that has nearly destroyed the country just by his own hands. Renaldo was devastated by the fact that someone can stomach fooling his own countrymen just to fill his own pockets. This man started the downfall of his country which led to three superpowers namely, the American Empire, The Chinese Dominion, and The Russian Confederate to annex his country into three separate Spheres of Influence.

By the time that Renaldo(John) was born, he was treated as a slave in his own country, treated as the lowest of the lows with various foreigners looking at him with disgust, saying various things like him being a savage just because he was born as a Filipino.

He helped liberate his country in his adult years, a member of the Philippine Rebel Army in the year 3098, he was an ace soldier expert at using Power Armors to kill those very same foreigners that treated him as dirt, he was called the "Devil of Manila" when he led 30 people on Power Armor against a Legion of the American Empire currently garrisoned in the Philippines. This battle directly promoted him from a squad captain to the rank of garrison commander of the Neo-Katipunan.

At the end of the war, he was promoted to the ranks of general but some people have other ideas. With the removal of a common enemy, three warlords fought against each other to wrest control of the entire domain. Renaldo(John) retired after liberating his country and didn't join the next wars as he is tired, he accumulated a lot of hidden injuries and his lifespan was shortened due to excessive exposure to nuclear energy leaks when his nuclear power armor is damaged in battle. This led to his death as his country was embroiled in a never ending war. He doesn't want to commit the same mistakes again.

This is the reason why he recruited Bonifacio to his cause, he wants him to follow the course of natural history and establish the Katipunan, this will serve as the backbone structure of the government that he wants, albeit not in the direction of a revolutionary nor a democratic government no, he wants to establish a monarchy because he has a claim for it, he has the blood of Rajah Sulayman running in his veins, he is a legitimate candidate and has enough power to do this. He will have Bonifacio establish the Katipunan, and then summon a council for a change of leadership when the war has ended. In this timeline, Renaldo won't let Aguinaldo rise to the ranks of Presidency, he won't kill him immediately as he is still a great general but he won't let him win the Tejeros convention and subsequently send Bonifacio to his death. If Aguinaldo follows the course of natural history and tries to grab power for himself, then Renaldo will surely kill that bastard in front of his own men, in front of those who support him to show them what despair means, but before that, he must take into account the various contributions of Aguinaldo to the Revolution so he won't eliminate him til the time comes.

Renaldo will bide his time, and wait for the most opportune moment to strike, but for now, he will focus on improving his army for his plans AFTER the Revolution.

Pew pew pew pew

Archclashercreators' thoughts