
The Catastrophe (Part two)

"Really?" The soldier readied her blade. "I'd love to see you try." She dashed straight for him, throwing the plasma.

Helio- or rather, the shadow dodged.

The plasma missed and headed straight for Enira.

And just like the soldier had let him slash her before, he let her slice at him. He didn't flinch, instead, he grabbed her sword once it cleaved at his chest. It turned to dust.

The soldier was surprised for an instant.

And in that instant, he grabbed her arm and it fell off.

Disintegration worked just fine. After all, it was one of the Shadow's original abilities.

The soldier jumped back, gasping for air by sheer reflex.

Meanwhile- no apparent damage was on the shadow's body. Rather he was already regrowing his lost limb and all his wounds were healing at an astronomical rate.

Even if he received reflected damage- with this level of healing- there wasn't any need for concern.
