
Chapter 151: Explanations

“You are so difficult,” Luke commented, pulling her to him again and kissing her on the head.  “I was so worried, baby girl.  I thought I’d lost you.  If it weren’t for Nevin…”

“How did he get here?  And who are those men?” she asked.

Luke shook his head.  “I called and told him you were missing and that I needed him.  He showed up with a whole team.”

Ian approached them with his duffel bag.  “Hello, I’m Ian, team medic,” he said to Bella.  “Can I look you over a bit?”

Bella glanced uncertainly at Luke, who nodded encouragingly.  “Um…alright.  I’m okay, really.  It’s just my head.”

Ian had Bella sit on the curb.  The medic checked the wound on her head.  It was a fairly deep scalp laceration over her left eye.  “That’ll need a stitch or three,” he commented.  “Were you unconscious at all?”

“Tanya said that I was, for a little while,” Bella answered.  Luke looked at her, concerned.
