
Chapter 19: Tiffany, Part 2

"Um, hi. Tiffany?" The voice on the line sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it.


"This is Rowen. Rowen Flanigan?"

My heart starts pounding and a feel a smile stretch across my face. "Hey, Rookie. How are you?"

"I'm good. I hope I didn't catch you in the middle of something important." He sounds kind of nervous, which is strange because he has always come across as quiet before, but not usually nervous. Of course, we've only interacted a handful of times so I guess I can't really make that judgment.

I lean back in my chair. "I'm just at work."

"Oh shit," he says. "I totally forgot you would be working today. I forget not everyone has rotating hours like me. I can call you later."

"No, no!" I say quickly, afraid he's going to hang up. "I'm just doing some research right now. I'm not in the middle of anything pressing."

"Oh. Okay. Can I ask what the research is on?"
