
Chapter 17, The Choices We Make

In the afternoon sun, a weary Ecoe landed on his perch in the aviary. Renn went to greet the raven and stopped.

There was a letter and two vials attached to the bird.

Rowan was holding her uncle’s hand as the healer put a drop of oil on the King’s forehead.

A guard knocked quietly and poke his head inside, “Lady Rowan? Uh, Renn the Bird-Master has a message for you?”

Rowan left the room quietly and approached Renn who was waiting patiently.

“My raven returned with these,” he opened his hand revealing two vials. “And this...”

He handed a letter to Rowan and cast a glance at the guards down the hall.

Renn gave a quick nod and walked away, leaving Rowan to read the letter in peace.

‘Why did her hands shake when she opened the letter?’ she wondered.

“My Lady Rowan,
