
Big Brother


He waited until she'd been gone a few minutes, then he got dressed and left himself, avoiding thoughts about what a coward he was and how he'd let her go by herself into the City, in case people smelled him on her.

The scary part was, he wasn't afraid of whether she could handle that. He was afraid of seeing the people's reaction—of feeling that he should, for their good, not take her as mate.

But it was too late! They had the bond already, even if it was faint. No one in Anima would expect them to deny it… but they might expect her to give up the throne. Or they might—no. She was strong enough for this. And she had him to back her—and her father, too.

She could do this. He knew it.

He was just needed to stop acting like a pup and put his Alpha pants on. Show them what he could do.

Or would that make them even less likely to support him, if they thought he might be stronger than El?
