

After leaving JiU's house, she has been nothing but quiet. Soohyun's stunt earlier at her home was more than shocking. Even though such matter was something they discussed, what Soohyun did was a little too soon than anticipated. JiU doesn't like it when someone becomes uncooperative. And Soohyun being the way he is, makes JiU even more upset than she already is. The first five minutes ride to Soohyun's house was dead silent. Soohyun noticed the slight tension and was about to say something when he puts a finger in front of his face, signaling not to mention a word.

"Why did you do that?" JiU's tone was calm yet chilling to the bone at the same time.

"Look, you wanted to make it believable, right?" Soohyun calmly asked while keeping his eyes on the road, "So, I don't see a better way to do it than doing that. Besides, I'm pretty sure your mom will ask."

Soohyun has pointed out quite a point that JiU sees no reason to argue. "Point taken," JiU confirms her approval, but added something, "However, should you pull a stunt like that again without consulting me, our deal is off."

Soohyun soon comes to realize that the lady he admires is more than anything that meets the eyes. "Alright, duly noted, JiU-ssi," Soohyun nods with two palms raised as a sign of surrender.

Even after spending time with her for those three days, talking to her face to face, and now in the same car as her, it is still very intimidating being with her. How focused are her eyes when talking about something that concerns her and the people around her, is such a fascinating sight, according to Soohyun. Then when she starts to get authoritative, Soohyun finds himself tongue-tied. It is also the very reason why Soohyun finds it undeniably attractive. She is interestingly beautiful.

"Why are you smiling like that?" JiU's voice snapped Soohyun out his daydream.

"Oh, well, the weather is so amazing today, isn't it?" a reply he regrets as soon as he looks outside. It's raining.

"Right, so you enjoy dark skies and rain?" JiU perked an eyebrow as she looks at the man driving.

"Yeah, I'm different that way," Soohyun tries to recover quickly with his replies, "The rain is refreshing."

"What about the dark clouds then?" JiU noticed Soohyun's apparent slip earlier and chose to poke around.

"That... well, dark clouds are... umm..." Soohyun struggles to find his words when their arrival saved him from further humiliation. "Here we are, no more dark clouds," he chuckled and immediately parked his car in front of the palace-like home.

Since it is raining, the house attendants had stood waiting with big umbrellas to welcome their young employer. "Help her out first," Soohyun rolls down the window and signals his attendants to get around the car to get JiU first. Without a second's notice, two men are already waiting for JiU.

JiU smiled kindly towards both men as they receive the natural shower in her place. Soohyun notices the two men smiling like children as they walk JiU to the front of the house. They opened the door for her and went passed Soohyun like he wasn't even there.

"Thank you for holding the door open," Soohyun clears his throat and sarcastically states as he walks in. Both men were exchanging looks in embarrassment as they noticed they had ignored their young master.

Soohyun's eyes widened when he noticed his mom standing right in front of JiU. He had preferred that he was the one doing the introduction. However, by the looks of things, it went well away from his plan.

"Eomma, this is.." Soohyun's words cut short when his mom beamed a grin at him.

"Your girlfriend?" She has JiU's hands in hers, holding them tightly. "I never thought he would finally settle down; he's always going around sleeping.."

Soohyun's eyes felt like it was going to pop out from shock at her blunt words. "Eomma, what are you doing?" Soohyun states with his eyes almost glaring at his mom, hoping she would get the signal to stop embarrassing him.

"Right, sorry darling, I am just too excited to see you," She immediately takes JiU to the dining hall with Soohyun following close behind.

Before joining his mom and JiU to the dining room, Minho came to greet Soohyun. "Wow, she is gorgeous, Hyung," Minho clapped and whistled as he looks at Soohyun, "I didn't know, the CEO of our family's company is that pretty."

"Hands off, kid," Soohyun nudged his brother's side, "You got your girl already." While interacting with his brother, he ponders whether he should tell his brother about his discovery earlier today.

"Oh, hey, I am a one-man kind of guy," Minho raised replied with his hands up. His gesture made Soohyun chuckle as they walk to the dining room.

The moment the dining room came into view, Soohyun's mood dropped. Shin Song Rok, the epitome of Soohyun's annoyance who is also his father's right-hand man, present at the table. It only infuriated him all the more when he sits right next to Soohyun's mother. As Soohyun walks, his way to sit next to JiU, Sung Rok gives him an annoying smile of welcome. Every fiber of Soohyun's being wants to knock that fake smile off his face.

"Welcome, JiU-ssi," Mr. Kim initiates the beginning of the conversation, "This is a fantastic day to celebrate two equally amazing occasions. The merging of Kim Corp & K Inc, along with the announcement of my son's relationship with Miss JiU."

Once again, Soohyun fails to be the bearer of the news. Nothing escapes mom, Soohyun thinks as he looks at his mom.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim, for the welcome," JiU bows her head with a smile at the welcome, "And I am pleased to be here."

"Wow, her smile is charming," Mr. Kim chuckled while he elbows his oldest son's side, "You got a beautiful one here, son. Right, my dear?"

"Exactly, I was so pleased once she walked through those doors," Soohyun's mother smiles warmly towards JiU, who returns the same smile in kind.

"Let me introduce you to everyone on this table, " Mr. Kim begins as he first gestures, "This young man right here is my second son and Soohyun's little brother. As I'm sure, you've met my wife already. And right

Soohyun finds the unfolding scene before him, very amusing. By experience, this is the warmest and most welcoming moment he had ever experienced. The second time, he's brought a girl over, and all his family members welcomed her. His mother was always welcoming, but it was not the same the first time around.

"Please, enjoy the meal, " Mr. Kim gestured to the lavish meal on the table.

Lunch begins, and it couldn't be more interesting to see. JiU was able to converse with his mother so casually since they sit across each other. Soohyun can't help but smile at the sight. But the thought of it being fake quickly wipes that smile away.

"JiU-ssi, " Sung Rok speaks. Shit, here we go, Soohyun grits his teeth as the man talks.

"Neh, Sung Rok-ssi," JiU smiles in response.

"Congratulations on your relationship with Soohyun-ah," Sung Rok raises a glass as he speaks.

"Oh, neh, gumawoyo," JiU raises her glass in return to the gesture.

"I wish you luck with Soohyun-ah," Sung Rok smiles rather insultingly as he makes eye contact with Soohyun.

"Sorry, what does that suppose to mean?" Soohyun finds his emotion starting to spike at the rather annoying statement while giving off that look.

"Oh, I mean Soohyun-ah, you're good," His tone says an entirely different thing, "But I'm sure JiU-ssi can do better than this, but well it is her choice. I hope she was sober when she chose to be with him."

Soohyun's anger welled up as Sung Rok states such a blunt and degrading statement. His hand turns into a fist, ready to give a piece of his mind, but JiU's hand suddenly went on top of his. "You're right Sung Rok-ssi, I can do better," JiU stares calmly yet confidently towards Sung Rok, "That's why I chose to be with Soohyun because I think he is better, and I don't remember asking your opinion about my relationship and on who I decided to be my partner. You are not entitled to that luxury since I barely know you, Sung Rok-ssi. Now, will you excuse me? I would like to have a nice meal with my boyfriend's family."

The whole table was stunned at JiU's equally blunt reply towards Sung Rok. The smirking man earlier turned very quiet and speechless. "HAHAHA... I like her son; this one is a keeper," Mr. Kim palms Soohyun's shoulders with a hearty laugh.

Soohyun could only stare at the woman beside him in awe. Never could he imagine that she would stand up for him like that. She is a badass, Soohyun thought to himself. And he couldn't help but notice that her hand is still on his, only this time she is caressing it gently with her thumb.

The mood at the table changed completely after JiU's clear statement about Soohyun. Everyone except Sung Rok was having a good time until they gradually decided that JiU should call both Soohyun's parents Abeoji and Eomma.

"Soohyun-ah, aren't you going to tell them?" JiU's question made Soohyun puzzled that he is confused about what to say.

"About what, dear?" Soohyun's mother chimed in when she notices her son's confused look.

"Well," JiU puts her spoon and fork on her plate before addressing, Soohyun's mother, "About our engagement."

"Mwoh????" Soohyun's three family members chorused.

Soohyun mentally facepalmed himself. So now she's making me pay, Soohyun shakes his head as he watched all eyes zeroed on him.
