
Chapter 217 - Surviving a rat attack

"Run!" Zou Yue grabbed Fan Xui's hands, and they ran away. The road ahead was full of the low hanging corn leaves. The sharp edges cut into their skin.

Yue tried his utmost to slice them off of the way. Even so, their whole body was covered in cuts and bruises. 

They ran and ran. The things that were following them were relentless. 

His muscles ached badly.

"Fan.. wait.... my leg is cramping..."

Fan Xui hurriedly lifted him over his back and ran. 

'This is not going to work out..' he glanced back. Only small parts of the creatures were exposed in between the foliage. He saw pink skin. 

'Is it a pig? Fuck its big... we would get trampled by it.. Their skin is also very tough.'

'First, we need to get a clear vision. Asses if we can defeat it or... we have to find another way to survive,'
