
Chapter 7

Dan reached the bluewall tree with no complications. Just as it's name suggested the bluewall tree was a large tree the size of a giant wall with large blue leaves and branches. It produced a small fruit known as Blue miri miri which was used in alchemy and medicine.

Before Dan got closer to the tree Kan barked ferociously. His saliva dripped all over the place and he gnashed his teeth trying to intimidate something. In the corner of his eye Dan saw a shadow move in the tree. The swift movement caught Dan's eye. Dan reached into his inventory, grabbed the katana and unsheathed his blade.

The rain pattered on his blade, every drop thickening the atmosphere. A tall shadow moved from branch to branch until finally reaching the lowest branch. The movements were swift and agile. They were the movements of someone who had spent a lot of time on trees.


"Pedro? Oh my God! You almost gave me a heart attack."

Dan gave Pedro a surprised look as if he could not believe what was going. Pedro was to early. The time was 9:00 but the time they had agreed on was at midnight.

Pedro jumped down from the tree, a large heavy book under his arm. He scratched Kan's head stopping him from barking any further.

"Your way to early. I said let's meet at midnight not at 9:00" Dan said to Pedro.

"Actually you said you would wait for me until midnight not let's meet at midnight, and besides my father is looking for me, I ran away from the house after stealing a few books from his study." Pedro waved the book in front of Dan.

Even during this heavy thunderstorm the book was not wet. Such was the power of magic.

Dan tapped Pedro lightly on the cheek. "If your father is looking for you then that means that he would send the hunting team after you would he not? Are they not trained hunters? How did you even escape them.?"

Dan's mind raced with lots of questions. Pedro's carelessness would cost them their chance of running away but Pedro was a few steps ahead of Dan.

"Smell me." He said.


Dan was confused. Why would he want to smell him. Yes they were friends and pretty close but he was not going to smell his armpits.

"I meant my scent. Try and find my scent."

Dan got closer to Pedro and sniffed him. His scent... his scent was gone. It was none existent. Every living organism and non living organism had a scent so where was his scent.

Pedro smiled once he saw Dan's bewildered expression. "I created this spell Dante! Can you believe it! I am a genius. This spell completely removes the scent of a person and you can attach your scent to any other organic or inorganic object to draw attention away from you. I put my scent on a Rainbird and I'm guessing they are hunting that bird down."

Dan was still in disbelief. Pedro had not only completely created a new spell but one of such high caliber. Dan could already think of 3 different ways to utilise it.

"Let's get going then." Dan said after gathering his thoughts together. "If I stay out to late then Kliran will obviously come searching for me."

Pedro grabbed Dan's shoulder who had started moving already.

"Don't be dumb Dante, I need to put the spell on you and Kan as well. Kliran has a great sense of smell. Even during this rainstorm he can still track us just with his nose."

Dan let out a sigh. He was proud of Pedro but he was also jealous of him which is why he did not want to give him the feeling of satisfaction of one uping him, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Fine cast it on us then."

Pedro did not wait a second. He pulled out a wand and 2 small stones from his inventory. He placed the wand on Dan's forehead murmuring a spell. The wand's tip emanated a purple light. As Pedro pulled the wand from Dan's forehead a purple string attached to the end. Dan felt a slight tugging sensation. The feeling of someone pulling his hair out by force.

Pedro doubled tapped the stone and repeated the process for Kan.

Pedro passed the two stones to Dan and instructed him to throw it as hard as he could in two completely separate directions. Dan did as he was told throwing the stones with all his might. If Kliran decided to track him down, then he would have to go after both Kan and Dan's scent giving them more time.

Pedro stored his book and wand in his inventory. "100 kilo metres south west to the borders and then another 40 kilo metre to the nearest human city. Let's go Dante."

Dan followed Pedro with Kan by his heel. Pedro was moving at a slow pace. If he went full speed then even Kan would beat him in a foot race.

This was only natural since Pedro used magic to do anything. All of a sudden, without warning Pedro burst into a sprint putting some distance behind him and Dan. Dan picked Kan and held him tightly before also breaking into a sprint.

An 2 hours of running later, Dan and Pedro came to a stop.

➡️Speed (500/500) ➡️ (950/950)

➡️Endurance (1061/1061) ➡️ Endurance (1670/1670)

➡️ Stamina:232/232 ➡️ Stamina (750/750)

Dan put Kan and gasped for air. He had really pushed himself to the limit today. With all the running in the dungeon, the fight with the Bazi queen, the fight with Ms Sinclair, the fight with the Alpha bull, all the fights in the dungeon and not to mention the cramps in his body.

His stomach really hurt and all his muscles ached.

Pedro collapsed next to Dan also gasping for air. "Come on man we can't stop. We have only 5 kilo metres to the border and then an extra 40 kilo metres."

Pedro sat up properly and scrolled on his screen. He bought a full energy potion from the store and took a sip from it, after that he passed it to Dan. "Only a sip, you don't have to drink the entire bottle."

Dan took a swig from potion It tasted like milk mixed with honey. He closed the bottle and passed the bottle to Pedro. The changes were immediate. His body was bursting with energy and the cramps had disappeared. It felt like Dan had slept for an entire day after fighting in a war. All the aches and painful sores just disappeared.

Once again Dan lifted Kan and followed Pedro. They had finally reached the border which sperated the human nation and the Demon Kingdom. "Wait..." Pedro stopped Dan from crossing.

Blue smoke covered Pedro. Once the blue smoke disappeared Pedro had disappeared. Standing in his place was a tall, handsome man wearing a tunic and a trouser that was to big for him. The trousers were hung in the folds around the legs.

"Pedro... WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?" This was a truly dumb question. A man who had grown up in an environment of magic and he is surprised by magic.

"This is called a Skin. It was in the store and I Bought it. It let's you change your form into something else. There are several but I decided to go with the most simplistic one. I am a demon, we can't just enter a human city otherwise it will draw way to much attention."

Dan's eye twitched from jealousy. "Yeah...I... I knew that."

They set of again with Kan in Dan's arms. They crossed the border, crossed the giant bridge on the river.

They looked down on the city from the mountain, a bustling well lit city full of life. Just outside the city were three giant pillars with a guard house on top of each pillar. There were two gate's. One was gigantic for merchants to pass through with carts of merchandise. The other was a small gate for letting people in.

"What are two handsome men like you doing here?" A voice asked from behind them. Pedro and Dan spun around to see a gorgeous lady standing there. Her porcelain skin looked beautiful in the moonlight. She was wearing a dirty ragged split dress which gave her even more appeal. There was a load of firewood under her arm.

Pedro let down his guard. He was taken aback by her beauty that he did not bother checking her status. "We are travellers. We have been travelling for a long time."

Dan checked her status to see who she was.

➡️ Name: Jemina

➡️Occupation: Unemployed

➡️Species : Half-Human

➡️ Strength: (F)

➡️Speed : (F)

➡️Endurance: (F)

➡️Stamina :(A)



➡️Bewitchery:(S) Beauty: (S ) Vodoo magic (C)

Potion making (D) Hunting (B) Fishing (C) Traps (B) Axe mastery (SS+)

Her skills and stats were all over the place. Some were really high while others were at rock bottom. These skills would raise suspicion with normal humans but Dan was used to this type of skills. They would be pretty common in his village if he scanned everyone.

"Then you must be tired. How about you spend the night at my house, it's not very far from here." She said. Pedro did not want to be rude so he accepted the invitation. Besides it wasn't like they had any other place they could spend the night.

She turned around and three followed the girl jumping from rock to rock barefooted. "Do you think we should trust her?" Dan asked Pedro. "I checked her stats and she seems to be a normal human but there is something of about her."

"We don't have any other choice. We don't have anywhere to sleep nor do we know anything about that city. It would be best if we gathered information." Pedro said this but he had already been captivated by her beauty. He wanted to be near her and smell her and gold her close. Maybe she would fall in love with him and propose to her.

Pedro giggled and blushed from the thought of getting married to a beauty like her. Dan paid no attention to Pedro who was muttering to himself and focused on the girl. 'Why would a human be outside on a mountain like this even though the city is near? Is she to poor to live in the city? Does she live alone?' These thoughts raced through Dan's mind. If Pedro could not keep his guard up then Dan would for both of them.

The girl led them to a small broken down hut. There was a pen next to the house and the familiar smell of goat's, cow's and sheep hit Dan's nose.

The girl opened the door and the warmth coming from the house was amazing. They had been running in the rain for a very long time that they had become completely used to the cold.

"Grandmother, I have arrived with guest's." The girl shouted. A sickly voice came from a room in the house. "There is food on the table in the kitchen. I hope it's enough for you all."

Pedro had a smug look on his face, he leaned over to Dan and whispered, "You were worried for nothing. Even her grandmother seems like a kind person." Dan rolled his eyes and didn't bother answering him. Kan shook his body twisting it side to side to remove the water from his body. Dan flicked Kan's snout hard "Bad dog... you do not shake of water in other person's house." The girl who was watching smiled and then laughed a little.

"It's alright," She said. "The roof is leaking a lot, t

most of the floor is wet. Warm yourself by the fire and I'll warm you up some food." The girl left the three to the kitchen and they scurried over to the fireplace to heat themselves up.

This feeling was to die for. It felt like drinking water after a long drought.

Dan looked around at the room. There was a pile of hay and leaves which seemed like the girls sleeping place. There were 4 buckets around the room for water to fall in. The furthest corner of the room's roof was completely gone. You could see the stars in the night sky.

Dan brought out a packet of rhonegnome meat treats and fed Kan. He stroked Kan's head while he fed him. "Let me get some." Pedro tried grabbing the treat's from Dan's hand but Dan slapped his hand away. "This is raw meat. A kid like you who only grew up on the finest food will only waste the food."

Pedro jumped on top of Dan to try and grab the treats. They pushed each other one trying to grab the treats while the other kept it out of reach. The girl came back holding four bowls of porridge. Once she saw Dan and Pedro on top of each other she put the food down and ran towards the kitchen with red cheeks.

"She absolutely got the wrong idea because of you. If you had just given me the meat this would of have had not happened." The girl came back with a jug of water and three cups and a bowl. She poured the water into the bowl and gave it to Kan to drink. Kan didn't drink instantly but instead looked at Dan. Dan threw Pedro of him and corrected his posture.

"We are very sorry for intruding on you like this and having you share your food with us like this. We will leave tommorow as soon as the rooster crows. Please accept this rhonegnome meat treat. It is not much but this is all I have right now." Dan held up the rhonegnome meat treats in the polyester bag for the girl to see.

The girl shook her head and waved her hand. "It's alright, I invited you into the house not because I wanted something in return."

Pedro sat next to Dan and held up the max energy potion and offered it to the girl but she refused. Pedro and Dan stubbornly forced it upon the girl until she took it.

The girl sat down with them and introduced herself while handing out the bowls of porridge. "My name is Jemina. I am 20 years old and I have been living on this mountain for 15 years. My grandmother raised me since I was young but now I am taking care of her. What about you guys?"

Before Pedro could speak Dan spoke. "We are travellers from a very distant land. It would take 4 months by foot to reach and 2 months by carriage. We are on a journey to reach a certain city to meet someone who may know information about our long lost father."

Pedro was shook by the story. All he could do was just agree and nod with a perplexed look on his face. He signalled for Kan for start drinking the water but he did not until Dan let him.

Jemina seemed to believe the story because she had a sad look on her face. Dan asked questions to Jemina and she answered to the best of her abilities. She hadn't been to the city a lot but whenever she went there she would have to pay a fee to enter the city. The fee wasn't a lot. It was only three copper coins. The city was a beautiful place and at first may seem like a haven but it was full of corrupt leaders, thugs, murderers and rapists.

Kan stopped drinking abruptly and pricked his ears, the girl stopped talking and grabbed an axe that was lying by the fire place. Dan drew his katana without hesitation. Pedro was the only person who was still on the floor with no clue what was going on.

"Guy's what's goi-" Dan shushed Pedro immediately. The goats outside bleated at the top of their lungs and the cows mooed.

Something was out there. Something was upsetting the livestock. But what was it? A cold wind blew in from the ceiling making Dan shiver. Whatever it was, it was not something nice, it was a cold, sinister and malicious entity.

"Pedro protect Jemina, I will go outside with Kan and take a look." Dan crept towards the door slowly but Jemina grabbed him by the shoulder. Her face had completely changed. It was scared as if she had seen despair incarnate. The life in her face completely disappeared. "Don't..."She whispered. "You can not defeat it...it is to powerful... if we stay inside the house it will take a goat and leave us alone. Please do not go outside."

Dan reassured her that he would be okay but Jemina was adamant in her endeavour. Her words fell on deaf ears. Once Dan knew the creature was strong he would not let go of this chance of free exp he would gain.

He opened and walked outside with Kan. The sheep pen was quiet all of a sudden. Maybe the creature had left. No! If the creature had left the sheep would still be bleating having been disturbed.

The sheep and goat were on one side and on the other side was the most scariest sight a sheep could ever witness.

A tall, lanky, humanoid figure crouched over the dead body of a goat. Its snout in its abdomen, the blood all over its hands. It couldn't be described as hands. It had three long finger with four joints and knife like nails. The spine was visible from a distance. It had hair all over it's naked body but not a lot of hair. It turned towards Dan who was creeping up it.

It's yellow eyes pierced through Dan's soul stopping him in his tracks. The humanoid figure lunged at Dan with an extended arm aimed for his throat and a hungry intention to kill.

➡️Player ID:432378

➡️Time: 11:45 P.m. Level:40

➡️Name: Dante Oak Aliases: D, Dan, Dri.

Hp:506/506(F) Potential:♾

Speed:950/950(F) Endurance:1670/1670(E)

Intelligence:122/122(F) Stamina:750/750(F)

Strength: 312/312(F) Vision:83/83(F)

Magic knowledge: 40/40(F)


Beginner Magic (Proficiency 99%)

Intermediate Magic (Proficiency 82%)

Elite Magic (Proficiency 4%) Street fighting (S+)

Martial arts combat (Proficiency 12%)

quick thinking (Proficiency 8%)

Swordsmanship (S+)

Sword technique:Limited series:Pain and sorrow; First form (mythical)

Chaos energy (A+)

Invisibility (Level 1)

➡️ unique skills

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ Level 1

➡️status: energetic, Wet, tired , cramps

➡️ Titles

1.Krim slayer.(level 1) Additional damage to Krim foxes by 8%

2.Pro-gamer move.(level 1) Casting time decreases by 2%

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