
Chapter 277 – International Trade Council

Head Sage Yue and Regent Prince Yuki frowned. Raven smiled slightly, and his rainbow eyes were filled with pride and admiration as he looked at Mana.

"This is indeed a problem," Regent Prince Yuki said. "Do you have a solution, Mana?"

Mana grinned. "Of course," she said. "That is exactly why I want to meet everyone before we leave. If Father and Cousin Yuki were to accompany us to the Obsidian Kingdom, I wouldn't be in such a hurry and we could have discussed it there, but since we won't have everyone there, it is best to finalise things here. Also, we may be able to turn this into an advantage for the Pearl Kingdom and diffuse the situation with the Amber Kingdom on the matter of encroachments in the border areas, actually."

Raven blinked. "Do you want to set up some sort of an international council to adjudicate upon the kind of disputes that involve parties from different kingdoms?" he asked curiously.
