
Chapter 264 – Dealing with a Bad Man

"What the hell?!" Mana shouted before anyone else could say anything. A green haze began to coalesce around her, and crackling bolts of reddish gold and silver white electricity flashed occasionally in the haze.

"You think a disgusting man like has the right to seduce my Papa? Have you looked at a mirror? Have you looked at your qualifications? Do you think you are worthy?" Mana hissed in a menacing voice as she slowly took steps forward to where King Min was sitting on the floor.

"You think my Papa is lonely because he doesn't have anyone by his side? My Papa is so handsome and so cool, do you think it will take more than a smile and a wave from him to have countless people rushing to him to offer their hearts to him?! But my Papa doesn't do that, because he is not a scumbag like you!" Mana continued in an ice cold voice.
