
The USJ Attack

Waking up, the first thing Hana felt was the extreme wetness of her legs.

Looking down she saw Akame's head lying on her bounty full chest.

Taking her girlfriend's head in her hands she put it to the side.

Only then could she see her belly, a gasp left her lips as she saw its bloated state.

Shakely standing up she felt the still warm cum flow down her legs as she hobbled to the bathroom.

Opening the door she headed straight to the toilet and bending over vomited out the contents of her stomach.

Finishing up, Hana stepped into the shower and cleaned herself thoroughly.

As soon as she was finished she dressed and disappeared using Kamui.

Appearing inside the bar, she instantly spotted Tenko.

He was as always sitting there brooding over the same newspaper as yesterday.

Walking over to him Hana patted his shoulders, "You okay?"

Nodding he took a sip from the glass of orange juice in front of him.

"So you got the timetable?" he asked impatiently.

"No, I've got someone to do it for me today," she said sitting down.

Tenko frowned, "Why didn't you just do it yourself?"

"Well you see, I don't want to be caught on camera."

Rolling his eyes, Tenko took another sip and continued reading the newspaper.


It was a few hours later when Hana received a message from Akame.

A smile appeared on her face as she looked at the timetable through the hole in her orange mask.

Closing her phone she strode out of her room, down the corridor and into the bar, "Tenko, we're doing it tomorrow."

A large grin formed on her brother's face and he looked at her, "Where?"

"The USJ, he'll be there teaching class 1-A, with Eraserhead and Thirteen."

Turning to the screen Tenko said, "Sensei, we can use the nomu right?"

[Yes, of course.]

"Tomura," Hana said, "We still need to gather some villains to distract Eraserhead.

They'll be happy to help."

Nodding Tenko walked towards the gate Kurugiri had opened, "I'll see you later then." and stepped through.


Standing in a large warehouse Hana, with Tenko by her side and Kurugiri behind her, gazed over the large horde of villains.

She was dressed in her usual black full bodysuit, with white boots, a purple belt, the green scarf, and her ionic orange mask.

Stepping forward Tenko smiled the white hand on his face, barely covering it, "I hope you're all ready, for today we'll kill All Might."

A roar of agreement filled the building as Tenko turned to Kurugiri, as he walked towards the purple mist, he looked at Hana, "Let's end the symbols of peace, Onee-chan."


"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you." Thirteen said to the 1-A students as they exited the bus.

Everyone gasped, and Izuku, as the fanboy he is. said, "It's the space hero Thirteen. The chivalrous pro that's rescued a ton of people from disasters around the world."

"Woohoo, Thirteen's one of my favourite heroes." Uraraka squealed in excitement.

Gesturing towards the gates to the USJ Thirteen said, "I can't wait to show you what's inside."

"This is gonna be awesome,'' everyone said in excitement as they followed her inside.

As they entered everyone gasped at the sheer size of the building.

"Holy crap, it looks like some kind of amusement park," Kirishima said in astonishment.

Spreading her arms out Thirteen pointed out the different facilities, "A shipwreck… A landslide… A fire… A windstorm… etcetera.

I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with differing types of disasters.

I call it the unforeseen simulation joint, but you can call it USJ."

At those words, everyone's face went blank and they thought, 'Just like universal studios Japan.'

Walking towards the pointing Thirteen, Eraserhead said, "Hey, shouldn't All Might be here already.

Let me guess he booked an interview instead."

Closing the distance between herself and the other teacher Thirteen said, "Actually it's something else.

Apparently, he did too much hero work on the way to school this morning and used up all his power.

He's resting in the teacher's lounge."

"That man is the height of irresponsibility," Eraserhead said annoyed at the number one hero's foolish actions.

"Clock's ticking, we should get started."

Spreading her arms out Thirteen agreed, "Excellent, before we begin let me just say one thing, well maybe two things, possibly three, four, or five…."

She trailed off before continuing, "Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware that I have a powerful quirk.

It's called Black Hole, I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust."

"Yeah, you've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before haven't you!" Izuku said while Uraraka nodded next to him.

"That's true but my quirk could also very easily be used to kill…

This went on for about another minute at which point she bowed and said, "That's all I have to say, thank you so much for listening."

Cheers erupted from the class in admiration of Thirteen's words.

Pointing towards the USJ grounds Eraserhead said, "Right, now that that's over-"

Suddenly the lights in the arena went out and the fountain started to sputter.

A collective gasp ran through the class in surprise.

Hearing a sound coming from the fountain Eraserhead turned and saw a dark purple portal open out of nowhere.

It then erupted forming into a larger misty figure with yellow slit eyes.

His eyes narrowed as a hand emerged from the portal, revealing a face covered by a deathly white palm.

Turning to his class he harshly ordered, "Stay together and don't move."

Looking back at the villains he gestured towards his student, "Thirteen, protect the student!"

Seeing the portal Kirishima shrunk back, "W-what is that thing?"

As a man with hands covering his body emerged from the purple mist, a horde of villains followed him.

Blocking the light from coming into his eyes Murasaka said, "Wait, has the training started already?

I thought we were rescuing people."

As the U.A. students stepped forward to get a better look, Eraserhead shouted, "GET BACK!" making everybody flinch.

Izuku gasped as he saw his teacher put on his yellow goggles.

"This is real, those are villains." the pro said preparing himself to fight.

Just as he said that two final figures exited the portal, one was tall, very tall in fact with dark purple skin, a beak and nothing protecting his brain from the elements.

While the other was slim with a black suit, green scarf, and an orange mask.

A collective gasp ran through the class as they trembled in fear.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

The USJ attack is here, rejoice because the real fun stuff is starting.

Question: In chapter 34 I mention that the ideology she was spreading wasn't one she wanted to follow.

If so, what is her real plan/ideology?

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)
