
Time Warp 23

More and more metallic Broly's burst from the Big Gete Star until I was surrounded by hundreds of them.

'So there's no way they're being produced instantly, they must have been made in advance over time.' I mused, idly eyeing the huge number of hulking metal Legendary Super Saiyans.

The Big Gete Star was quite something indeed. From what I remember, the mass produced robots it had were strong enough to even overpower Krillin and Gohan and it was set in a time somewhere near the beginning of the Android Saga, and beyond those two even Piccolo had some trouble with them.

That means each one of them was at least over a million in battle power by my calculations. And, if Universe Three is anything to go by, even robots raised the Mortal Level.

Which means, The Big Gete Star can play another role as well for me.

The darkness of space warped around me, lighting into grey and glowing green as the mass of Metal Broly's powered up around me and charged me from every direction.

If I was only just strong, this might actually be a problem. But I'm not just an obscenely strong awesome beast. I dare say the only one in Universe Seven who knows more about ki than me, is Whis. Or, at most him and Beerus. It was hard to tell how competent the lay cat destroyer god was beyond his actual pure strength.

I held my breath and everything froze to a stop around me. Immediately, I began feeling my heart and lungs beginning to constrict within my chest. I could hold this for maybe ten seconds at most before I blacked out. Not even my regeneration or ability to breathe ki would help me here.

Good thing I had the perfect technique to deal with a mass of enemies like this quickly. Thank you Krillin.

I raised my palms into the air, crimson red ki forming into existence. I mentally took note of every single Broly's ki signature. I couldn't tell them apart at all, but I could tell where every single one of them were.

"Scattering Bullet!" I shouted, and from the crimson ki illuminating my palms beams of ki in the dozens, tens of dozens, then hundreds formed and shot up into existence above me like fireworks before dipping down towards the amassed existence of Broly.

Every single beam was as strong as my full power in the form I am right now thanks to my Infinite Ki Generator

The depths of space was lit up with a crimson red glow as my attacks washed over them all, wiping them from existence.

I stopped holding my breath and time resumed.

"Kaaaakaa-" the final remaining Metal Broly stopped his charge towards me abruptly, shock colouring his metallic features as he bore witness to the outright massacre of his counterparts. "..H-how...what!?" he gaped, swinging around from side to side widely looking for the others, but he was the only one who remained.

I lifted my hand and used my magic to conjure a red and white sphere container with a very special seal engraved on the top.

He turned to me, a snarl on his silver lips, "Kakarot...you screaming freak!" he roared, I felt his power spike and begin climbing higher at twice the rate it was before. A lime green sphere of ki bursting into existence in his palm and tossing it at me. As soon as it left his palm, it began to rapidly increase in size, going from the size of a drinking mug to one hundred feet by one hundred feet in the blink of an eye and growing still, "Omega Blaster!"

As it reached me a moment later, I opened my mouth and inhaled. Using one of the techniques I learned from information I gained from Mr. Popo by wishing on Shenron, I latched onto the ki and simply sucked it into my mouth. My ki reserves were already full, so the mass amount of extra ki I received from absorbing it, I simply funnelled into my dimension. "Thanks for the meal." I smirked at him.

He stared at me wide eyed before his whole giant body began to shake uncontrollably as if he was having a fit. Then, he threw his head upwards as his power already rising increased in speed, and roared, "KAAAAAAAAAAAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-"

"Mafuba!" I thrust my hand out, swirling my ki out into a raging tornado of green and yellow power, that swept over his form and cut his little power up tantrum off.

I felt him rage and buck against the hold of my technique, but I'm simply just that much stronger than him that it's like a salamander matching its strength against that of a T-rex.

I directed my technique carrying him to the red and white sphere in my hand and forced it inside it, then before he could try to escape, Isimply pressed the red half down on the white bottom half, closing it and sealing him within with a quiet little click.

"I wanna be the very best that, that no one ever was~" I sang a very beloved little song verse to myself, amusement filling me.

I opened a portal to my dimension and stored the 'Mafuba Ball' in it for safe keeping for now. After all, even with the memories I received, there had never been a Metal Broly within them. This dude was like a collectors item.

"Now, let's find the main body." I hummed, I turned towards the Big Gete Star and fired a quick blast at one of the hatches, blasting it open and revealing lit up hallway to me.

I jumped inside, just as metal burst from the hole I made and fixed the hatch back up.

I paused as I landed, a whistle escaping me as I felt a familiar power was over me. The same one as all the Metal Broly's identical to them even. Except, this was is a good three times greater than any of them.

"Guess that's the main body." I mused, and began making my way towards him. I could teleport to him instantly with Instant Transmission if I wanted, but I wanted to take a looksie around this place first.
