
Friend against friend

Matteo wakes up with a terrible hangover, he takes a cold shower but no change. He sits on his bed and someone hands him a cup of coffee,its Ruksar!

Matteo: " you again? "

Ruksar: " yes me my prince"

Matteo: " tell me what you were doing in my room last night this minute! "

Ruksar: " ooh temper my prince....temper isn't good for your health. Just have the coffee first and I promise I'll tell you everything "

Matteo takes his coffee in a jiffy and corners Ruksar,

Matteo: " tell me right now or you won't like what'll do to you "

Ruksar: " here's what happened last night,you were a bit drunk. Then stuff happened, understand? "

Matteo: " that can't be possible, I couldn't have no...."

Ruksar: " so now we are officially dating right?"

Matteo: " shut up! that's an abominable thing....I love Beck, the mother of my child!"

Ruksar: " okay fine my prince....by what will the family say when I tell them about last night "

Matteo: " what do you mean,how will family react? there was in fact nothing last night and you know it!"

Ruksar: " according to you... but to me there was,you forced yourself on me against my will and that's an evil thing to do!"

Matteo: " you wouldn't dare! you are an evil woman!"

Ruksar: " oh trust me I would, your reputation and that of the royal family will be tarnished! Just imagine,Agni or your dad won't hesitate to disown you if you don't want me to go down there and spill the beans then do as I say"

Matteo: " and what's that you want from me?"

Ruksar: " now we're talking... its simple, your love that's all. If not kiss your reputation bye"

Matteo: " its a deal,don't mention a word"

Ruksar goes to her bedroom and she receives a surprise slap from Asmita and they have a heated argument,

Ruksar: " Asmita, why did you slap me dear? "

Asmita: " wow I must say you're good at pretending, its fantastic "

Ruksar: " what do you mean acting,explain "

Asmita: " you have been pretending to be on my side all this while!"

Ruksar: " stop this joke now Asmita I wouldn't do that we've been friends for so long!"

Asmita: " you drop the act because it won't convince me! you know I've been after Matteo and yet...."

Ruksar: " you are after him for revenge,but am after him for love!"

Asmita: " love? you don't know love!you are after him for his riches!"

Ruksar: " okay then Asmita you know my secret,this has been my dream and it won't slip me by. And if you try to get in my way then I'll expose you! "

Asmita: " hahaha you are so stupid, you are working with me so we'll be done for"

Ruksar: " I'll just say you threatened me that's all"

Asmita: " it looks like you are new to this game of champions,I'll expose you as well if that's what you want"

Ruksar: " how exactly do you intend to do that with no proof?"

Asmita: " simple as drinking water honey....last night you added sleeping pills to everyone's refreshments so they could go to sleep.... second, you added some hallucinating pills in Matty's juice so he will vision you as Becky.... then you foolishly added sleeping pills to my juice as well but...surprise surprise, I didn't fall asleep. Remember I sent you to get me some water,I changed the glass of Juice. And if you're asking, I have it on video "

Ruksar: " how do you know that? you didn't trust me all this while did you?"

Asmita: " oh silly I never trusted anybody all my life,its clear you are new to this game but am the coach. I have been watching you,I have the videos so do not push me. Oh and yes I have the video where you switched the life support machine so make no mistake"

Rahab decides to go and massage Becky's feet. When she sees the condition Becky is in,Rahab is over whelmed with sadness and she says a prayer,

Rahab: " oh God why do bad things happen to good people?why am I questioning you though? you know why certain things happen, but please heal Becky. Matteo is deeply hurting day by day,that Asmita girl will take his life away. So lord if you are listening, then answer this inner prayer for me"

Suddenly a miracle happens,Becky is able to move her hands,feet and her eyes open. Out of excitement, Rahab calls everybody to witness the big miracle. Matteo and Mrs Jason shed a tear of joy,

Mrs Jason: " my baby is finally recovering bit by bit isn't it amazing Matteo? "

Matteo: " yes it is aunt, look Jasi mom is getting better"

Jasi:" it is amazing! "

The royal family rejoice but not the two outsiders,

Asmita: " did she have to start recovering now?"

Ruksar: " oh wow,no I'll soon have two ladies to contend with"

Agni places strict orders for guards to keep watch and make sure no one except family enter the room.

The war between Asmita and Ruksar is on but how long will it last?
