
Enemy within

Matteo asks Ishan to call the doctor as he rushes Jasmine inside,but he is stopped by Becky who asks him endless questions and uses this incident to frustrate Matty,

Becky:" Matty? what's wrong? why are you holding Jasi in your hands and why is she unconscious? "

Agni: " look Becky, right now is not the moment for drama "

Becky: " please Agni, I was talking to Matty"

Matteo: " she almost fell from the balcony, Zerah was controlling her. But I managed to catch her on time "

Becky: " wow then,this is what you call custody. You've lived with my daughter only for a small period of time and this happens!"

Matteo: " let me take Jasi upstairs and then we'll talk later"

Becky: " no Matty, you are so irresponsible! this is why I didn't bring Jasi back home in the first place!"

Matteo: " Becky? am so tensed right now so don't get on my nerves!"

The doctor arrives and he conducts a checkup on Jasi. He tells everybody not to worry as Jasi passed out only because of fear. When the doc leaves,Becky gives Matty a court summon,

Becky: " this is a court summon, if you want to keep Jasi then face me tomorrow morning. But I can assure you that with this kind of parenting, there are no chances of winning custody of Jasi "

Matteo: " see you there Becky and all the best "

Back in another town,Asmita is still seeking for vengeance. She sits down thinking of how to devour Agni and Matteo for the trick they played on her,

Asmita: " I can't give up like this,those fools think they've gotten rid of me. I'll attack them so badly they won't see it coming, but am not going for them only,there town will suffer the consequences also whether young or old"

Asmita goes to her best friends town, a place with so many thugs and wicked people who don't think twice before slaying anyone,

Ruksar:" am I dreaming or what? someone wake me up from this dream! Asmita? my evil best friend!"

Asmita: " you are so dramatic sometimes Ruksar! its so good to see you again "

Ruksar: " same here.... how was your wedding to fake Mike? did it go well?"

Asmita: " that's why am here Ruksar, that sister if his managed to outsmart me and worst of all, they tricked me into getting married to someone else"

Ruksar: " tell me then what you want me to do"

Asmita: " I'll show her just his dark I am when we attack her town unexpectedly, killing anyone, young or old "

Ruksar: " oh I see....so she is from a royal family, tell me about her town and who she really is"

Asmita: " the name of the town is Promise and it's ruler is...."

Ruksar:" Agniii.... I know her"

Asmita: " it's good that you do... she is fierce,smart and undefeatable. But do you have a reason for hating her so much?"

Ruksar: " I once gave an offer to do business between the towns but she said no to my face and called me a bad seed. I have waited for this moment for so long"

Asmita: " so when do we attack? "

Ruksar: " Agni is not east to defeat, we have to train so hard for at least a month before that"

Asmita: " I will surely wait for her downfall "

In the outskirts of Promise town, Zerah pays Mira a visit,she manipulates Mira's mind and then gives her an offer she can not refuse,

Mira:" what are you doing in my house Zerah? "

Zerah: " chill Mira darling, relax,is this how you welcome your guests?"

Mira: " I didn't ask you to seat,just get out!"

Zerah: " you have such guts,I'll leave,I wanted to tell you something about Agni but since you're not interested goodbye"

Mira: " hold on, am giving you five minutes to explain after which you get lost"

Zerah:" I thought so....am sure you didn't know Agni is still alive and so is Matteo, Agni revealed it herself that she did not come on time because she wanted to get back at you and by so she made Kel and Ishan throw you out. The surprising thing is that she didn't even ask for you when she returned "

Mira:" I can't believe she'd do this to me"

Zerah: " since am not at all very heartless, why don't we work together to eliminate her"

Mira: " look Zerah, all you do is find pleasure in killing and am not doing that at all! am sure your five minutes are over so go now!"

Zerah: " I'll leave but before I do... Agni is the reason why Kel isn't bringing you home. He misses you a lot but Agni hates you bitterly because of how you treated her years back. She is manipulating the love of your life from calling you back....have a nice day"

As Zerah is walking out,Mira has a second thought and she accepts the offer. Mira starts off to the palace. She enters the mansion and pleads for a second chance which Ishan denies her,

Kel:" why have you come back Mira?"

Mira: " I know you hate me,but have mercy in me"

Ishan:" mercy you say? you didn't show it on Agni mom!"

Agni: " calm down Ishan, she's our mom,don't say such "

Mira:" yes Agni, am sorry for how I treated you before. I should have kept my vow to your mother. All am asking for is a second chance "

Agni: " its okay Mira mom,get up you can come back,papa please forgive her for my sake"

Ishan: " you don't understand that you're making a big mistake here Agni, people like her don't deserve second chances. She has a hidden motive behind her return! "

Agni: " Mira mom is coming back to this house and that's final Ishan, not another word from you"

Mira goes to her guest room and is happy with what she has accomplished and can't wait to begin her mission in the house. She is however confused with Agni's kind gesture towards her and starts to wonder if what any of the things Zerah said is true, Zerah appears in Mira's bedroom and manipulates her even more,

Zerah: " she is not who she seems to be,her kind attitude was an act"

Mira: " whats wrong with you? you gave me a freight, you are not supposed to come or someone will see you. Wait....how did you figure out what I was thinking? "

Zerah: " hello....you're not meeting me for the first time. Now remember you should try by all means to kill Agni if you want to stay in this house "

Mira: " staying in this house is one thing,what assurance do I have that I'll stay in this house with my husband and son because I don't care about the rest"

Zerah:" I kept my promise to Angela and her children so you're no less"

Jasmine who is walking in the house passage when she spots Zerah and recognises her immediately. She rushes to call Agni but doesn't find her,she looks for Matteo but doesn't find him either. She sees Ishan in the kitchen and rushes to him further explaining what she saw,

Jasmine: " uncle Ishan! uncle Ishan! I saw her!"

Ishan: " slow down Jasi..... now tell me what's up"

Jasmine: " the lady called Mira was talking to the woman who asked me to jump off the balcony!"

Ishan:" shh, come with me,let's go"

Ishan and Jasmine sneak on Mira and hear her talk to somebody. Ishan leaves Jasi behind and badges in,but there is no one there,

Mira: " Ishan? do you need help with something? "

Ishan: " save your drama and tell me who you were talking to? "

Mira: " a friend of mine...uhm....on the phone,nothing more"

Ishan: " my eyes are on you.... don't try anything stupid"

Ishan goes out and Mira gives a sigh of relief. The following day, Tony,Mitra, Jasmine and Matteo go to Court. After some proceedings,the judge asks Jasi what she wants. Jasi tells the judge she wants to stay with both parents but Becky objects,the court is adjourned to two days after. On her way from school Jasi is kidnapped by some thugs,her driver rushes home and informs the family,

Driver: " miss Agni...Jasi..... Jasi has been kidnapped "

Matteo: " no way,this is a joke right? "

Driver: " no sir...as I was driving her from school when some armed men blocked our way and took her"

Ishan informs the police and they begin there search. Mitra tells Matteo to inform Becky of Jasmine's disappearance but he refuses. Agni convinces him so he calls Becky and she rushes to the palace,

Becky: " you asked me to come and the call sounded agent,what's it,where is Jasi?"

Matteo: " uhm... Jasi....she has gone missing "

Becky: " nooooo, how did this....this is why I didn't want to give her to you! first she wanted to jump then disappearance! how careless can you be! "

Matteo: " now you all see why I didn't want to call her,she is full of drama!"

The argument is disturbed by a phone call on Agni's phone from an unknown number and she puts the call on loud speaker,

Asmita: " I hear you're looking for Jasi Agni "

Agni: " A...A....Asmita? "

Asmita: " oh wow,it didn't take much time to recognise me. I have Jasi with me"

Becky: " look Asmi, its jasmines mom, whatever you want I'll give,just mention it"

Asmita: " unfortunately, I want nothing from you. This little girl will be the first to suffer the consequences of messing with me. In an hour time,am going to send her dead body"

When Asmita cuts the call, Becky blames Matteo and thus angers Agni even more. In fury,she goes to her bedroom, takes her pistol, tells Matteo to go and pick up the police while she handles Asmita,

Becky: " where are you doing with the gun Agni? "

Agni: " are you asking me that? keep the question to yourself! you keep blaming as for every single thing! I'll go and get Jasi back and give her to you!"

Agni manages to track down Asmita's location in an abandoned place. She badges in anger and shoots all of Asmita's goons. Asmita and Ruksar sense the danger and escape with Jasi, Agni runs after them and shoots a bullet through Ruksar's leg forcing her to let go of Jasi and running for her life. Agni then brings Jasi home to Becky and asks her to take Jasi away,

Agni: " now what am going to say,no one interrupt....am so sick and tired of this drama. You wanted to take her right, Becky? here she is, no scratch now get out! If I ever see you near this house i won't hesitate to shoot a bullet through your skull! "

Kel:" have you lost it Agni? "

Agni: " yes I have dad,she keeps finding fault in everything we do and so frustrating. You claimed to love Matty but it was a lie,maybe you were after money just like Nisha! "

Becky:" Agni!!!! why say that, I love Matteo so much"

Agni: " you don't, if you did,you wouldn't be trying to take his only child away even when you left for so long, I've had your nonsense up to my neck,so leave!"

Agni orders the guards to take Jasi and and Becky out,which they do.
