

Before going to bed,Matteo has some time to talk to Agni and pressurises her,

Matteo: " everything is settled now Agni, we should get back home "

Agni: " why so soon Matty, isn't it a little too early?"

Matteo: " so soon? we have no time on our side"

Agni: " Matty? I promised this family that I'd stay here three days longer. They have done so much for me,I can't leave just like that"

Matteo: " and our family? we don't even know how they are or whether they are still alive Agni. Three years,three good years have passed and I've not set my eyes on them"

Agni: " calm down okay,come tomorrow I'll think of a plan to get back home "

Matteo: " I trust Agni, I really do"

Jaden, Nikita and Fred walk into the room with a bottle of alcohol and some glass cups to celebrate the victory and return of siblings also togetherness. In the series of events,the duo gets extremely drunk to the extent where they all fall deeply asleep. Some unknown men break into the house, without the guys noticing. They take Agni who is too drunk to resist,is then abducted. Jaden opens his eyes a little,calls Agni but then falls asleep.

In the morning, everyone wakes up with a hangover,

Jaden: " oh gosh! my head is aching so bad,oh gosh!"

Nikita: " we had too much to drink last night which is why we feel this way"

Matteo: " hold up! where is Agni, she was with us last night "

Nikita: " she's obviously in the kitchen, I'll go there right away to get some pills for all of us"

Fred: " hurry up my dear my head feels like its about to fall"

Nikita goes around the house looking and calling out to Agni but there is no response,

Niki:" Agniii? Agniii! where are you Darling? "

Everyone takes the medicine but they get worried when they don't see Agni around,

Jaden: " this is getting serious you guys,where is Agni? "

Fred: " cool down Jay, am sure she is fine "

Jaden: " my wife has gone missing and you are telling me to cool down "

Matteo: " aunt Nikita try to call her on the phone "

Nikita calls Agni but her phone is heard ringing in the bedroom on the carpet,Matteo picks it up and sees screen all scratched up,

Matteo: " her phone is here,so where is she?"

Fred:" something's not right, I'll go outside and ask the guard if he saw Agni leave the house "

Fred asks the guard if he saw Agni leave the house and he explains what happened the previous night,

Fred:" listen here,did you see Agni leave the house this morning or any other time? "

Guard: " no sir,I didn't "

Fred: " this is so strange and scary,really"

Guard:" I remember something happening last night. I was seated on my chair right here when I heard some noises, I came out to look and there were three men standing in front of me. They pointed a gun at me,then placed a cloth over my nose and I passed out. That's all I can remember"

Fred:" why didn't say it all along?"

Fred quickly goes inside and tells the rest what the guard had just told him and this causes Matteo to get a panic attack,

Matteo: " no...this can't be,what if Agni is missing what then?"

Nikita: " please keep calm she is safe wherever she is"

Matteo: " we can't be sure aunt,I don't want to lose Agni again "

Fred informs the police and they begin the search. Meanwhile, where Agni is been kept captive,the boss thug takes a jug of water and pours it on Agni's face and she jerks awake and finds herself in a strange place,

Thug lady:" get up lazy princess! this is not your palace but mine!"

Agni: " where am I and who are you? "

The thug lady removes her mask and she turns out to be Asmita,

Agni: " you?"

Asmita: " yes sweetheart, me. Oh come on now, I don't expect you to act so baffled. I mean...I vowed to make you pay so here I am"

Agni: " look Asmi, let me go and sort out my family issues then we can continue from where we started"

Asmita: " no honey...not this time,but I promise to let you go as soon as my demands are met"

Agni: " you are been ridiculous about all this "

Asmita: " you my dear Agni will be my pawn and weapon to get whatever I want trust me "

Asmita picks up her phone and calls Matteo to ask for demands which Matty cannot refuse even if he wanted,

Matteo: " hello? who is this? "

Asmita: " I can't believe you don't recognise my voice how shameful "

Matteo: " A-A-A-A-Asmita?"

Asmita: " that's more like it sweetheart... I called to tell you that I have Agni here with me"

Matteo: " am not going to spare you when I get my hands on...."

Asmita: " stop it Matty! just stop it!...why are you doing this to me...I love you with all my heart"

Matteo: " what do you want from me...tell me what you wish and it shall be granted "

Asmita: " now we're talking... I want you to marry me"

Matteo: " whaaat! are you insane? "

Asmita: " the last time I checked,my brain and mindset were intact. If you want to see your sister alive then arrange for a quick and private wedding!"

Agni: " no Matty do not listen to her she is just trying to scare you am fine and she wouldn't dare hurt me!"

Asmita: " you and your team are the main reason why my brother disowned me... so if I say I'll hurt her then I mean it! you have an hour to make the arrangements or I send Agni's dead body!"

Matteo: " I'll make the arrangements so be patient with me"

Asmita: " good....Your one hour starts now"

Matteo and everyone else have no other choice but to start making preparations for the private wedding. Back at the hideout,Asmita makes mockery of Agni and her ego,

Asmita:" do you now see why I warned about messing with me, you and your team thought you were rid of me simply because you exposed me. Challenging someone like me,you should have laid awake but no...you started to merry instead how stupid!hahaha! "

Agni: " if I say I've never come across someone as evil as you then I'll be lying to myself and the whole world. There are so many people in this world,some even worse than you so am not afraid!"

Matteo phones Asmita so she can send him the location as he wants to go there with the pastor to bless the marriage,

Matteo: " Asmita? everything is ready,now all I need from you is the exact location of where you are so I can come with the pastor "

Asmita: " why should you bring a pastor to bless this marriage when we can bless ourselves? "

Matteo: " listen Asmita, don't try to act smart with me. You want the marriage not me! I'll change my mind then we'll see..."

Asmita: " don't even dare Matteo! or I send Agni's dead body!"

Matteo: " then why don't you go ahead and kill her! because I don't care anymore... am the one who doing you a favor here so take it or leave it!"

Asmita: " there is no need to get angry at me I was just joking my love, I'll send you the location right away so hang up and don't bring anyone else except the people needed for the ceremony got it?"

Matteo: " whatever just send me the so called address "

Asmita ends the call, sends Matty the location and can't believe she is acting like a fool just for love. On the other hand Agni sings a love song to mock Asmita and the love she has for Matteo,

Asmita: " oh no Asmita... what have you gotten yourself into, no man would take advantage of me like this but because of love....I love this man so much I'd kill anyone "

Agni: " oh love oh love why do you treat me this way! now am acting like a fool for my lover and to have him back in my arms again... an a fool oh am a fool for love..."

Asmita: " keep your mouth shut Agni! are you mocking me now uh? tell me!"

Agni: " of course I am...look at you... so desperate hahaha "

Asmita: " you shouldn't be mocking me instead I should be doing it to you... Matteo doesn't even care if I kill you yet here you are singing foolishly! "

Matteo receives an SMS from Asmita containing the address of the place she is hood Agni captive. However, the rest are worried sick about this decision and step,

Nikita: " are you sure about this Matty? am getting tense"

Jaden: " you need not to worry mom,it'll all work out"

Fred: " Jay is absolutely correct, all we need is support and positivity"

Matteo: " it is marriage that Asmita wants,then she will be happily married..."

Matteo goes to the location Asmita sent her with a priest and two grooms men. They enter the den and Asmita sees them and is sure that it is Matty. Matteo enters the changing room with his a comp lists and comes out soon after he changes his clothes but with his face covered,

Asmita: " excuse me there Mr pastor, but why is Matty's face all covered up"

Pastor: " that's how it should be madam,the both of you are getting married secretly "

Asmita: " I don't get why all this is needed pastor "

Pastor: " calm down madam,if he speaks to you or shows his face to you while the both of you get married secretly, then I'll attract bad luck and this marriage won't last"

Asmita: " fine then,do what you must to get me and my beloved together"

The pastor does all the proceedings and pronounces the two husband and wife but something goes horribly wrong,Mr Winans' bodyguards surround Asmita's men pointing guns to their heads,

Asmita: " who are you and what are you doing here? Matteo? we are married now so you can speak,I hope you didn't bring these men with you "

One of the grooms men answers and admits to in fact bringing the men and leaving them outside for backup,

Groomsman: " I brought them here Asmita, I also left them outside for backup you see"

Asmita: " say something Matteo what is this and why aren't you talking! "

The groomsman takes off his hat,sunglasses and fake beards revealing himself as Matteo, confusing Asmita even more,

Asmita: " Ma-Ma-Matteo? if you are standing as the groomsman,then...who is the man under the..."

The man removes the mask and reveals himself as Nicky,the man whom Asmita sent as the plumber to attack Agni,

Asmita: " Nicky you? why did you do this to me?"

Agni walks out freely and is happy with how things turned out and demands to see the other two,

Agni: " surprise surprise Asmi, how does it feel to be outsmarted? "

Matteo:" so you think that you are smarter Asmita"

Agni: " if she's and this man are here then I wonder who it is that's under the other two disguises "

The other two also reveal themselves. The pastor as Fred and the groomsman as Jaden. Agni asks Matteo how he did this magic so he explains,

Agni: " am so proud of you guys for what has just happened,congrats,yay!"

Jaden and Fred: " thank you Agni, it was a pleasure doing this work"

Agni: " I actually thought I was smart but I never knew that you guys were too. One thing though, how did this plan come about? "

Matteo: " its simple...Before the incident where we had a fight with Solid, Asmita had already been meeting with Nicky here. I caught and heard her on several occasions talking to Nicky,he even came to the house one day and I overheard them talking about their love but Asmita shutting him off"

Agni: " but I thought Asmita's fiancé died in an accident "

Nicky: " yes he did,he was my best friend. When he died,I was there for Asmita all her life to show comfort. Then,we fell in love afterwards but when she saw Matteo she changed her mind and despite pleading with her she denied me. I then vowed not to get back to her "

Jaden: "why then did you agree to carry out her mission to disgrace me?"

Nicky:" she promised to get back with me but she changed her mind later on and I felt hurt"

Matteo: " I called to ask Nicky if he still had feelings for her and he said yes so I knew I hut the jackpot. All I needed was some disguise. I came in as me but later as Nicky "

Agni: " so now,they are...happily... married... congratulations. Am sparing you this time for the sake of your husband but one more mistake and you're gone. I believe in second chances"

Agni and the rest leave to go back home. Nikita sees her and she welcomes Agni with so much love,

Nikita: " oh my princess am glad you're home safely. I was scared off my wits that the plan wouldn't work but it did wonders"

Agni: " calm down aunt am fine. Now that am back home it is time to put our minds together to liberate my royal family "

Agni, Matteo and the rest sit together to come up with a way of liberating the royal family from Zerah and her reign of terror.
