
God answers prayers

Its the day of the festival and Asmita is so excited that she gets to show off her muscular boyfriend to everyone. She gives Matteo just the perfect body fitting clothes to show off his biceps and triceps. Andre ask them both to hurry so they can get the front row seats. Before they start off,Matteo says a silent prayer in his heart,

" dear God,ever since I was a child,my parents taught me to pray. They said anytime I need anything, I should go on my knees and ask for it. Today, I can't go on my knees and pray because am in hiding, I didn't know where I am or the people surrounding me but I know you can hear me. Am tired of leaving in suspense, I need just one thing from you today. I want to meet my sister if she's not dead. Show me sign so I'll know my Agni is still alive,I believe in you and only you, amen"

Nikita,Agni,Fred and the Winans family are set to go and they start off. After ten minutes of travelling for Matty and his new family, and an hour for Agni and her new family. They reach the festival grounds. At the entrance, Matteo is just two inches away from Agni but they don't see each other. Agni and Matteo get a strange feeling that someone they know is close,

Agni: " not this feeling again, I feel like someone I know is near and yearning to see me"

Matteo: " this presence feels familiar am so confused"

They enter the grounds and Agni is seated just five seating lines in front of Matty but still don't see each other. People start to perform as they eat and merry. The town head who is Fred's good friend,asks Agni to do the honours of ending the festival by shooting in the air. Agni gets up,takes a pistol, and fires three times at a goal. Matteo hears this and remembers what Agni told her about her shooting signature,

" look Matty whenever you feel that am lost,or you can't find me just remember this type of shooting. Three shots at a goal and the fourth after a minute "

A minute later Agni fires the fourth time and Matty is now certain that Agni is somewhere around. He leaves Asmita and goes to look for Agni. He bumps into Jaden and they recognise each other,

Jaden: " hey my buddy Matty, nice to see you again "

Matteo: " hey Jay, what are you doing here?"

Jaden: " my fiancée and her family where invited here. So my family and I came along. Hold on, you look busy,worried, tense and all the confusion all over your face,looking for someone? "

Matteo: " well am looking for,for,for"

Jaden: " Asmita!"

Matteo: " yes Asmita "

Matteo turns to look around to see if he can spot Agni. Asmita and Agni reach at the same time and recognise each other,

Asmita: " hey Zara its you, how are you doing? "

Agni: " am fine Asmita "

Jaden: " so you recognized each other. Now I'll introduce you to my friend. Hey Matty look here,this is my fiancée, Zara "

When Matty turns to see Zara,he sees that it is Agni, and he sheds a tear,

Asmita: " why are you crying Mike, what's wrong? "

Matteo: " nothing, its just that she looks like my sister "

Jaden: " is she here?"

Matteo: " no she is dead,unfortunately "

When Agni comes face to face with Matteo, she sees flashing images but in black and white,

Jaden:" now that we know each other, we will visit one another more often, right? "

Asmita: " right!"

Agni gets back home and is restless. Matteo locks himself in his room,covers a pillow over his mouth and screams. He thanks God for answering his prayers and is still confused though,

" oh God thank you, this is so amazing, my Agni is alive. I don't get one thing though she didn't recognise me,has she lost her memory or is she also pretending. Maybe she'll come and see me in secret,so I'll wait"

Agni starts seeing flashing images in black and white and she gets so scared and stressed,

" stop following me! leave me alone you images I don't want to see you! "

Nikita: Zara my dear,what's wrong!"

Fred: " talk to us!"

Agni: " they won't leave me alone, dad! they are tormenting me,these black and white images are too much for me to handle"

Nikita: " calm down first of all,we'll help you "

Agni: " help me mom please!"

Nikita: " Fred please call the doctor and ask her to come immediately!"

Fred: " doctor please come here as soon as possible"

Before the doctor can arrive,Agni passes out due to the stress. The doctor comes and conducts a checkup,

Doctor: " she's fine, just that her memories are trying to come back to her with so much force and she can't handle the pressure "

Fred:" thank you doctor safe journey"

Nikita: " am so scared Fred"

Fred: " why?"

Nikita: " what if Zara remembers everything, and comes to find out that we lied to her about her identity "

Fred:" well, whatever happens, at least we saved a life and God will reward us for that"

Jaden invites Asmita over for lunch at a nearby restaurant. He invites Agni too. Matteo keeps a close eye on Agni to see any signals or suspicious movements. Jaden tells everyone why he invited them over for lunch,

Jaden:" am sure you are all wondering why I called you here so urgently "

Asmita: " of course"

Jaden: " am hosting a Valentine party for all couples and I was wondering if you all will come "

Asmita: " I love parties Jaden, we'll definitely come right Mike"

Matteo: " of course we'll attend it"

Agni: " that's so nice. Jaden may I talk to you in private "

Jaden: " sure, come with me "

A minute later Matteo excuses himself and tells Asmita he's going to the bathroom. He changes the route and eavesdrops on Jaden and Agni's conversation,

Agni: "last night I had a terrible experience, those flashing images I see came with so much force I couldn't handle it,then passed out"

Jaden: " no worries everything will be fine "

Matteo hears this conversation and is convinced that Agni has no idea where she is or who she is and decides to make sure she regains her memory,

" am promising you this Agni, I'll clear the confusion you're having by bringing you back to your roots,and that starts this Saturday at the Valentine party"
