
Reasons to Their Actions

Almost a week has passed since Winter started attending classes again.

She was expecting she'd be so busy she won't have time to hang out with Ace and the others anymore, but it seemed that Marcellus and August were working together to make sure that she'd still enjoy her youth despite everything that happened.

For the past few days, they'd turned into quite the worrywarts. Not to mention, Marianne and Francis have somehow become her somewhat guardians - always giving her special treatment and pampering her to their hearts' content.

While she genuinely appreciates their efforts to make her feel better, she knows that there are things she should do. She still needs to deal with Cyrus and Grace who're awaiting their trial. There are also her other relatives who're facing similar consequences. Bianca, on the other hand, is a different case. Even though she's doing well in overcoming her trauma, she still doesn't feel like confronting her any time soon.
