
Partner with Benefits

After returning each other's greetings, George offered to tour Winter around the place.

Since he's the host of the party, it's only a given that he'll serve his guests in any way he can. That said, there's nothing wrong with him touring her around. But then, what perplexes her is that the head of the Ratri's himself is using his precious time on someone like her instead of joining his social circle. Not to mention, they will be alone together the whole time.

'It's already a bit odd that he complimented how I look earlier. I used to think that he doesn't pay attention to such things. While there's also nothing wrong with getting called 'gorgeous' by him, I feel like he's being friendlier than usual...' Winter thought as she followed George to wherever it was he would take her. 

'Wait a minute. Putting that aside, should I be doing this without my guardian around?'

By guardian, she meant Marcellus.
