
An Inexplicable Reaction

Winter was taking a stroll around the arcade along with the others when she saw Marcellus and Claude playing basketball at the furthest side of the gaming center.

Her eyes went as wide as saucers at the sight. She couldn't believe that they're really there, and she couldn't think of any kind of business that they'd be doing in such a place. As far as she knows, they're still supposed to be at work around this time. 

Winter would not probably notice them had it not for the crowd that they unknowingly gathered. Some of their spectators were starting to take pictures of them while others were too engrossed in watching their heating competition. She, on the other hand, felt nothing but thrown into a panic. 

'If this goes on, who knows if they catch the attention of the others next...?!' she bolted out inside her head before she looked at her companions, checking if they already noticed the scene.
