
Catching Attention

It had been a week since Marcellus decided to trust and lend his strength to Winter.

Until now, he's still not sure what she's really after. She wants to involve herself in his secret undertaking, and she promises to advise him in certain situations. With that, all she keeps doing is helping him out. She's the one who's lending her strength to him - not the other way around.

"I will ask for your help when the time comes! Do not fret, Marcellus Lexington!" was what Winter told Marcellus when he questioned her about what she really wanted from all of this.

One of the things he noticed was that she was especially interested in his list of dating targets.

She also told him about those who would not do good for him - those whom he could not get any benefit from, and those who would affect his business in a bad way. Of course, she still withholds a tremendous amount of information, and she only discloses them at a specific time.

'Perhaps, it will not be enough to meet her somewhere outside from time to time. I can probably take her in my office again. She does seem to know some things about business management,' was what Marcellus thought at one point, deciding to keep her closer.

Because of that, he paid a visit to her school once more, thinking of picking her up after her classes.

He tries not to stand out by wearing a less attention-catching outfit. Yet in the end, he fails to avoid attracting the interests of some students and other onlookers. He still had not even reached the main entrance of the school when he began to gather an audience.

And two of them happen to have seen him there before.

"Ummm... Excuse me, Sir..." Courtney called out to Marcellus, looking too captivated by his charms to mind how bold she was for approaching him like this.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"Hey, Courtney! Just how shameless can you be...?" Maxine chimed in and walked up to them, making her snap out of her daze.

"You're also hitting on an older guy now, huh?"

"You're the shameless one here. I'm just trying to lend a hand. What if this gentleman's lost?"

"Well, are you indeed lost, Sir?"

That's when the both of them look back up to him - expectant and inquisitive.

He only stares back at them for a moment, unsure of what to respond. While he can ask them if they know the person he is looking for, he is getting the impression that they approached him for another reason other than lending a hand. They appear to have recognized him, but they seem to have chosen to keep it to themselves.

"Say, were you that gentleman who came the other day?"

Or perhaps, not.

It was Maxine who asked the question. Courtney only nodded and seconded her presumption.

"I did come here before, but I'm not sure if I'm the one you're talking about..." Marcellus started, smiling a little as a small greeting.

"I appreciate the thought of you helping me out, young ladies. If it is alright with you, may I ask if you know about a high school student here?"

"Gladly! You can ask me anything!" Courtney enthused with a grin, charmed more than ever.

"Hey, pipe it down," Maxine chided from beside her, feeling embarrassed in her stead.

For some time, the two of them look like they are enjoying the attention. Then again, it is not everyday that they get to find someone as good-looking as him. That's why they can't help but want to enjoy beholding this gorgeous specimen as long as they can.

However, as soon as Marcellus asked about Winter, Maxine and Courtney fell silent all of the sudden - and at that moment, they appear strangely discomfited.
