
Alert drinker

I tapped my foot as I sat in one corner of the couch. In the past few minutes, people have mostly steered clear of me, mostly because of the aura I was exuding. I had given more glare in the past fifteen minutes than the number of times I had smiled in my life. 

"If you want to remove that energy somewhere-" I heard Bane's voice but my glare immediately cut him short. 

I gawked at him with a gaze that an owl would cast on a rat in the night. 

He did not flinch or repel but his eyes did go wide. Bane stood by the side before he extended his other hand in front of me, "here, the mildest drink they had was this wine though I am not sure whether it will suit your taste." I looked at the glass containing red liquid and then back at him. Unlike others, he did not fear me but then again he knew me. Moreover, who was he to be scared of? I doubt a person who loves the smell of blood had little fear in his pockets. 
