
The princess fled

*Third person PoV*

Selene and Fang went back in the carriage with the man who Fang had put on a slave contract, guided it back into the tourist city. Exhausted, Selene had fallen asleep while Fang looked outside the window. He dragged in a deep breath before turning back to look at Selene. 

A pang of pain clutched his heart, knowing how her wolf had withdrawn as well. His eyes traced the soft features on her face. 

He reached his fingers out to touch her cheek with the back of his knuckle when he stopped, and determination clouded his eyes. There was no way he was just letting go. The problem was, even if she made her fail her mission, she was bound to marry that vampire bastard. He gritted his teeth, cursing himself for bringing that other person in her life between both of them. If only he had met her a little before he accepted that proposal.
