

I turned to look at where Fang was being stormed by the girls and back at the court. The rain had left the land with gigantic shadows as the sun was covered by dark, gloomy clouds. My head turned in the direction of the court where lights were lit now and the path on the right was and left looked yellow because of the lights. 

I took a deep breath before finally deciding to enter the court. I travelled inside and through the door which I had previously gone through. 

The door only led to the witness section, so I wondered whether Jack had brought Zelda here or taken her somewhere else. I walked through the hallway till I reached the far end and realised there was no other door. A slight panic set into me, trying to figure out where I should be headed to. 

After a long time of the search, I entered through a door that was in the left hallway and found a receptionist on a call, "Hello, I had some en-"
