
Those who stab you in the back (4)

Let's wait until then.

Lee Songha made the sweetest smile when she heard my words.

I buried the seed which I shared with Lee Songha. So that, if an environment where it could grow without being stomped on or withered, it would sprout.

Then I turned around and finally stepped forward.


"Shouldn't you take some herbal tonic?"

Something touched my shoulder. Having fallen asleep against the whiteboard, I jolted awake. It was the chief of Blackout. His gaze alternated between the packed schedule on the whiteboard and my face before he clicked his tongue.

"It looks like you've been infected with Hyunjo's dark circles? The Team 3 Leader knows a lot about medicinal herbs and tonics. You ask him to get you some. Like carp or loach juice or something."

"I'm fine."

"Why? Do you have a weak stomach? You look like the type who can eat snake raw."

"I'm more delicate than I look. Rather than the herbal tonic, please introduce me to a hardy, good-working road manager if you know one. Ours are exhausted. We don't even have the time to recruit and train a new one."

I looked at the schedule while rolling my stiff shoulders. What caught my eye the most was Pretty Girls. They properly started their activities with IBC's music broadcast, and now their schedule was packed with autograph signing events, press interviews, guest appearances on radio and TV shows, and events.

Both the Pretty Girls goldfish and Chief Lee Taeshin were getting used to their day starting and ending early in the morning. They were so happy that they should be able to work for a good while.

Neptune had it worse. They had a schedule in Sangamdong early in the morning, an event in Busan at noon, and a performance in China at night. Not only did they have a busy schedule, but they also had to prepare for their official album. They were gradually becoming more and more haggard.

There was nothing more to say about Lee Songha, who had her advertisement schedule on top of all that.

The ones with the most free time around me were Nam Joyoon, who was thinking about his next project, and Kim Hyunsup. Although it wasn't the best for a celebrity to be too free, if Nam Joyoon had a busy schedule as well, our team would be running around with IVs.

"I do know an experienced road manager who doesn't have any work right now."

The Blackout chief said quietly.

"She's a good, hard worker. She's even pretty."

"Who is she? Can you give me her conta-"

"But she can't drive."

Damn it.

The Blackout chief grinned when he saw my expression.

"That was a joke. I do have one, but only if you're going to assign them to Lee Songha."

So he had a condition.

When I told Kim Hyunjo and the Team 3 Leader that I was looking for a manager to handle on-site schedules for Lee Songha, the news shook the entire company. There were so many fish aiming for the bait that I felt like I was an aquarist.

Amongst the fish, there were road managers who had just managed to get promoted to chiefs as well as chiefs who had more experience than me. In fact, there were a few from the Team 2 who slowly approached the bait.

"Please give me their contact information. I'll think about it."

"Here, let me know if you also need their resume."

The Blackout chief handed me their business card like he had been waiting for the opportunity. I barely managed to squeeze it into my bulging business card case. Although I wasn't fully handing her over to someone else, I felt uneasy at the thought of leaving Lee Songha under someone else's care.

The chief left, and I looked back at the whiteboard. There were a few hours left before the official business I would have to handle this evening. Me having leisure time was as rare as grass in a drought. But it wasn't like I could just roll on the bed because I did.

I had some unofficial business from now on.

Son Chaeyoung had the VIP room of her hair shop all to herself. I was about to go in, but I stopped. A different person was reflected in the mirror. No, it definitely was Son Chaeyoung. However, her crescent eyes and the light smile on her face, she was completely different from the Son Chaeyoung I knew.

Was she someone who could make that expression when she wasn't acting?

Just as I thought this, Son Chaeyoung's expression distorted.

"What is it?"

She instantly returned to the Son Chaeyoung I knew. It was so quick that I almost thought I was seeing things due to sleep deprivation. I brushed aside the strong image in my mind and entered the room. I sat down on the sofa under Son Chaeyoung's sharp glare.

"Where is Chief Lee Janghyun?"

"He went to look for ripe persimmons. Why?"

He was still looking for that?

I laughed at the ridiculousness. Son Chaeyoung's eyes burned with rage.

"Don't try to start a fight. I'm watching what I say."

"When have I tried to start a fight? But why are you watching what you say?"

Now that I thought about it, it did seem like her words were more awkward.

More like a kindergarten teacher's, no, I couldn't compare them to her.

"Why do you think? The public service announcement campaign is about talking properly and kindly."

I went into a coughing fit.

Son Chaeyoung shooting a polite speech public service announcement. Could anything be more comedic?

"What? I learned Korean in school!"

"Did I say anything?"

"Don't piss me off and leave! Your face itself provokes me!"

She snapped at me before turning her gaze.

I stared at her. I had met with Son Chaeyoung a few times during this time. The official reason was to suggest next projects for her, but it was honestly to change the future where she retires. Because I kept feeling the 'intention' behind the future vision I kept seeing.

However, I was making slow progress.

Because Son Chaeyoung currently looked like she had no intention of retiring. Although her eyes burned with rage whenever I brought up her doing another project, she did seem like she planned on taking on new projects once she left W&U.

In order to change her future, I had to figure out what to change about the present, but nothing stuck out to me as I observed her like this. I've only gotten more and more used to dealing with Son Chaeyoung.

I clicked my tongue and looked at her. Her face on the mirror was huffing. Suddenly, the unfamiliar smiling face I saw just now overlapped with her face.

Was that expression for her commercial as well?

I recalled what Lee Songha had said. That she couldn't become like Son Chaeyoung. I didn't know if it was because of that, but I also began to wonder if Son Chaeyoung had a phase where she was like Lee Songha in the past. W&U employees said that she was like this since she joined W&U.

"Ms. Son Chaeyoung."

"Why do you keep saying my name!"

"I only said it once. But was your personality like this when you debuted?"

"How is my personality?"

"It's terrible."

I said truthfully. Son Chaeyoung kicked the leg of the vanity, and her chair spun twice before stopping in front of me. Son Chaeyoung crossed her legs and stared at me.

"I wasn't like this when I debuted."

Her lips curled up into a crooked smirk.

"I was like this since I was wearing diapers. Okay?"

She didn't even wait for my reply and she said in a dubious manner,

"But why are you so interested in me these days? I heard that you were looking for a manager to handle Lee Songha's on-site schedules. Are you planning on handing her over completely and working with me?"

"I have no plans on working with you."

"I have no work for you either!"

I asked the snorting Son Chaeyoung,

"But why are you so interested in who I manage?"


"At first, you told me to ditch Songha and to work with you. Later, you mentioned how I looked like I had devoted myself to Songha but got pissed when you thought I accepted the CEO's proposal."

While saying this, I noticed Son Chaeyoung was frowning.

"I remember you clearly stating you had no thoughts on working with me. But then you would ask me to change who I manage whenever we meet. You did it just now too. Just what is it you want?"

Son Chaeyoung's pupils moved from her left to her right.

She was silent for a bit like she was lost in thought, but she soon lightly shrugged,

"Just curious."


"About how long your little game of house will last."

Son Cheayoung once again turned her chair towards the vanity.

Just then, the door burst open. Chief Lee Janghyun entered while panting like a wild boar. He seemed to have gone around a fruit market as he gave off a rather sweet scent. He didn't have to leisure to recognize me as he shouted with a red face.

"Ms. Chaeyoung. I can't do this any longer. The iced persimmons I got from the tea shop in Insadong the day before yesterday is the best I can do. Where would I find ripe persimmons on trees during this season?! Ms. Chaeyoung, you don't like me, do you? If you don't like me, then just say it!"

"I don't."

Son Chaeyoung immediately answered.

Chief Lee Janghyun, who seemed to have returned his senses, stuttered,

"Wh-what part of me?"

"How can I list off every little thing? Just ask me what about you I like!"

"What about me do you like?"

"Nothing about you."

Chief Lee Janghyun shut his mouth like a chick that ate honey. Looking so pissed she could explode, Son Chaeyoung's gaze alternated between me and Chief Lee Janghyun before she suddenly smiled brightly. Her smile really could only be described that way.


Chills ran from my toes to the top of my head.

Pointing to the door with a still smiling face, Son Chaeyoung added,

"Please screw off."


"Chaeyoung told Jung Sunwoo to screw off?"

Chief Jo asked with a smirk. He waved his hand as though urging for a response.

Chief Lee Janghyun, who sat next to him on the sofa in the Team 2 Leader's office, nodded his head with vigor.

"You know Ms. Chaeyoung's temp- personality."

"Of course, I do."

"Ms. Chaeyoung pointed to the door and told him to 'please screw off'. I felt bad for Chief Jung, who was chased out with a red face yesterday."

Chief Lee Janghyun glanced in a direction while speaking with a glib tongue. The Team 2 Leader was sitting at his desk. It was a bleak atmosphere. His normally well-groomed beard now looked like prickly thorns. This calm before the storm had continued for the past few days now.

Chief Jo tried his best to change the mood.

"Jung Sunwoo, that guy, will have it tough. That's why he should have given up early on."

"This was destined to happen since he zealously said he'll handle Ms. Son Chaeyoung."

Chief Lee Janghyun followed Chief Jo's lead. By the time Jung Sunwoo had been thoroughly cut up and smashed around, it seemed Chief Jo's tactic worked as the Team 2 Leader's lips suddenly curled up.

"He's so hot-blooded because he's young. He's impertinent because he's been on a roll. He has no respect for his seniors. Well, the CEO is protective of him, so who would he fear? Right?"

Chief Jo and Chief Lee Janghyun hesitantly nodded along.

The Team 2 Leader's gaze grew colder when he mentioned the CEO.

"That's why he's gotten himself into such a situation without understanding his position."

His voice grew dark. Chief Jo flinched. Chief Lee Janghyun warmed his hands with his teacup as he looked around, reading the mood. Suddenly, the Team 2 Leader's expression fiercely distorted as he said,

"Lee Bongjoon. It's been so long since I've called him over, why isn't he here yet?"

"That's… He said that Jijoon's schedule in China might be extended."

Chief Jo replied. The Team 2 Leader snorted.

"Schedule? Lee Bongjoon, that quick-witted fellow, is probably squatting there, trying to avoid the storm. I just happened to have him manage Jijoon. Jijoon used to listen to my every word back when he was a rookie…"

His beard squirmed as he said to Chief Jo,

"Chief Jo, you pay special attention to Inho! So that he doesn't become like Jijoon!"

"Of course. I'll make sure of that."

"Jung Sunwoo, he's the problem. After meeting him, Lee Bongjoon and Jijoon are acting like foals released from their reins."

"Mr. Jijoon brought a bouquet to Chief Jung's party not long ago. It looks like he might transfer over if Chief Jung makes his own team…!"

Chief Lee Janghyun stopped talking. Chief Jo was pinching his side. The Team 2 Leader glared at him like he would personally choke him to death.

It seemed like he recalled the embarrassment he experienced in front of others that day as the veins on the Team 2 Leader's clenched fist bulged. His complexion turned red.

The Team 2 Leader's sharp gaze landed on a section of his desk. It was a framed group picture of actors in W&U. Seo Jijoon was smiling off to the side in the photo that the Team 2 Leader looked at with satisfaction whenever he had time.

"Jijoon's mine. I brought him up since he was a rookie. He's not going anywhere."

"Of course, Jijoon's the product of your effort. All Jung Sunwoo did was connect him to Cat Guardian Ghost."

Chief Jo agreed by clicking his tongue.

"To be honest, the projects you were considering for Jijoon that time were all successes. Jijoon would probably be as successful as he is now if he had just followed the filmography you were building for him? Although I don't know how Jung Sunwoo was able to befriend him so quickly, he shouldn't try to stab you in the back by bringing Jijoon with him."

"Of course, he can't."

The Team 2 Leader narrowed his eyes.

"Jung Sunwoo has only had it easy until now, so it seems like he has no idea how disgusting it feels to be stabbed in the back. If he doesn't know, I should teach him. He'll learn something when he loses the actor he trusts and holds dear."

The actor Jung Sunwoo trusts and holds dear?

Chief Jo, who had been going along with him, made a face,

"Lee Songha? Team leader, she's not the type to-"

"Betray Jung Sunwoo?"

The Team 2 Leader made a meaningful smile.

"Do you know what can split apart a close relationship between a celebrity and her manager?"


The Team 2 Leader shook his head. Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, he looked at Chief Lee Janghyun. Chief Lee Janghyun, who was dawdling to listen further, was soon pushed out the office. Only the Team 2 Leader and Chief Jo remained in the office.

"It's family."

Chief Jo's eyes widened. The Team 2 Leader leaned against his chair as he continued,

"When the manager's opinion clashes with her family's and their relationship becomes stormy, the celebrity stuck in the middle will side with their family in the end. No matter how good or bad their relationship with their family is, blood is thicker than water. Feeling betrayed, the manager will eventually become a stranger."

Making a crooked smile, the Team 2 Leader said,

"I think I should have a talk with Lee Songha's parents."


Hearing the elevator's ring, I opened my eyes. What was left of my vigor was sapped during our production meeting. My brain shouted how it would go on strike if I didn't immediately slump over and sleep. I was about to enter my office while rubbing my temples when I heard…

"Team leader! Team Leader Jung!"

Chief Lee Janghyun, who wandered around the lounge anxiously, rushed over.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I heard the Team 2 Leader and Chief Jo talk. I had qualms about their conversation and decided that I needed to tell you."

He looked around while speaking. He reminded me of a mouse every time I saw him.

"It's regarding Ms. Lee Songha."

My mind jolted awake.

"What is it?"

"Please come over here."

Chief Lee Janghyun led me to the stairs like this was some spy action flick. He checked above and below the stairs before approaching me. He then said in a quiet voice,

"I, I really want to manage Ms. Lee Songha. Even if it's temporary."

"Didn't you say there was a problem?"

"There is. The Team 2 Leader wants to sta-, so he wants to do something about Ms. Lee Songha. But you know the Team 2 Leader's personality, right? I'm dead if I get caught telling you this. I really am taking a big risk here."

What about Lee Songha?

I unconsciously frowned. Chief Lee Janghyun chattered on about how he was helping me out while spit sputtered from his lips. I down at him and made a business smile.

"I get it so tell me. What did the Team 2 Leader say?"

"That is…"

Chief Lee Janghyun got to the point. He recounted what the Team 2 Leader had said.

I felt my accumulated exhaustion turned into rage. Even my mind became hot.

This man…

As soon as he finished talking, I went down the stairs. Taken aback, Chief Lee Janghyun followed after me.

"Wh-where are you going?"

"To the Team 2 Leader's office."
