
Cosmic ranking

Cosmic ranking:

The Cosmic Ranking is a hierarchy that measures the overall power and influence of a given faction or organization within the larger cosmic community. It is divided into 12 levels, each corresponding to a certain level of power and influence:

Cosmic Initiate: This is the starting point for any faction or organization. At this level, they have little to no influence in the larger cosmic community.

Cosmic Neophyte: Factions at this level have started to gain some traction and recognition within the cosmic community, but still lack significant power and influence.

Cosmic Novice: At this level, factions have begun to establish a foothold within the cosmic community and may have gained some minor allies.

Cosmic Adept: Factions at this level have gained a respectable level of power and influence within the cosmic community, and may be starting to draw attention from more powerful factions.

Cosmic Master: At this level, factions have established themselves as major players within the cosmic community and have significant power and influence.

Cosmic Elite: Factions at this level have gained widespread recognition and have the ability to influence events on a large scale.

Cosmic Champion: At this level, factions are recognized as some of the most powerful and influential in the cosmic community.

Cosmic Hero: Factions at this level have become legendary for their power and influence within the cosmic community.

Cosmic Legend: At this level, factions have achieved an almost mythical status and are regarded as some of the most powerful and influential in the entire universe.

Cosmic Deity: Factions at this level have transcended mortal limitations and have the power to shape entire galaxies.

Cosmic Overlord: At this level, factions have gained near-omnipotent power and are able to exert their will across entire dimensions.

Cosmic Creator: At the pinnacle of the Cosmic Ranking, factions are able to create and destroy entire universes at will.
