
Chapter#20: It's William's child

"Wade, what are you doing here?" someone called him from behind.

Wade turned around. It was Ben.

"You shouldn't be out here." Ben uttered.

"I've to go save Dara." Wade exclaimed.

"Dara's back home." Ben told, "We got her out from that cage."

"What? When?"

"I suppose we should not be here right now. It's dangerous for you."

"Where is she?"

"She's with Angelina, Justin and Kate right now at Dara's house. I and Jonathan were out here searching for you."

"We should probably go to her house right now. I can't wait to meet her."

"Wade! Where have you been?" Jonathan asked as soon as he saw Wade.

"I've been travelling. It's a long story. Let's go to Dara right now and I'll tell you guys everything."

Wade put his mask on and three of them went to Dara's house. Jonathan and Ben went from the window while Wade went inside from the front door.

"Is Dara home?" Wade asked.

"Yes she's here. Where have you been? Haven't seen you in three days." Ellen spoke.

"I've been busy with stuff."

"Wade I found a note on Dara's bed when you left from here last time. Was that written by you?"

"Which note? I don't know anything about a note."

"Never mind. Go meet Dara. She really missed her best friend."

Wade went down to Dara's room.

"Wade!" Dara exclaimed and rushed towards him to hug him. "Where were you?" she cried.

Wade put off his mask and kissed her. He kissed her passionately which showed how much he was worried for her and how much he missed her. "Come…" he held her hand and took her to the bed they both sat down.

"The Queen is alive." Wade told.

"What" Jonathan exclaimed.

"I met her. She's still under the curse." Wade told.

"Grandmother!" Dara's eyes filled with tears.

"Dara you were right. She's alive." Wade spoke while grabbing Dara's hand.

"Why didn't she come with you?" Dara asked.

"She told me that you are the change. You're the change to everything. You are the one who'll end the war."

"What about her curse?" Dara questioned.

"She's still under the curse. I think it'll break if everything gets back to normal."

"How is that going to be?" Kate inspected.

"I don't know but we can still believe for positive things to happen…" Wade told everything how he found the Queen and what he and the Queen talked about.

It was late at night.

"We guys should probably go now." Jonathan uttered, "And Wade, you're staying here with Dara."

"No I can't. I can't be a coward. I have to tell my people that I love her. They are my people. I know they'll listen to me." Wade spoke.

"Same as they listened to the Queen. Same as they listened to your parents." exclaimed Dara.

"What happened with your parents?" Angelina asked Wade.

Wade kept quiet.

"The vampire and the lady who got burned in their house were his parents." Jonathan told.

"You never told us that." said Justin.

"I never wanted to bring that up!" Wade's eyes filled with tears.

"Hey Wade." Dara put her hand on his cheek, "It's okay. Things happen for a reason."

"No one knows they had a child." spoke Kate.

"I don't want to talk about it." Wade sighed.

"Guys we should be going now." Jonathan uttered.

Everyone left. It was only Wade and Dara alone in the room.

"I'm glad you're alright Dara." Wade spoke as he put his hand around Dara's shoulder.

Dara held back his hands and gasped, "I'm pregnant."

"What?" Wade got shocked, "But I was always careful. How do you even know?"

"I've been having vomits and I've been feeling a bit dizzy. It's been days. I checked it on the night I ran back from the wolves."

"Don't worry Dara." Wade held her face from his hands, "We'll fix this too."

Tears rolled down Dara's face.

"Hey why are you crying Dara? It's okay." Wade moved his face close to hers.

"It's William's child." She cried.

Wade suddenly held back and started to look at Dara.

"I'm sorry Wade! I'm sorry!" she cried.

"How do you know that?"

"I can feel it Wade." Dara sobbed, "This isn't your child."

Wade held her close to his chest and spoke, "We'll figure a way out of it, don't worry."

Dara got herself out of hold, wiped her tears and spoke, "I can't do this Wade." She held Wade's hand and put it on her belly, "There's a life inside me. I can't kill it."

"But there's no other way Dara."

"This is my child Wade. I can't do this." she cried endlessly.

"What will you tell to your parents?"

"I don't know. I'll just tell them the truth. This isn't something to be hidden."

"Dara take your time and then think about it."

"I know my decision Wade."

"Let's not panic right now and try to think what to do."

"I'm not panicking. I know what I want for my child. I want a life for him."

"Dara take your time. I know you'll agree with me."

"Wade what if your mother had killed you before you were born?" Dara exclaimed, "She did everything she could for you. You can't feel a mother's love unless you become one. Wade my whole life I've been thinking that my mother is always busy in stuff that she had no time for me and that she didn't love me but now I know what a child is to a mother. Now I know that I was wrong. I know how much my mother loves me. This child isn't yet born and I feel very close to it. It is a part of me Wade. I don't know how to make you understand."

"Hey Dara," Wade held Dara's face, "I know what a mother's love is. I know what my mother did for me. She could have wasted me at the first place but she didn't and because of me, she had to listen to all the things people used to say to her." He kissed her and wiped off tears from her face, "I want you to be brave. Whatever you do, remember one thing Dara, I'm always by your side."

"I don't know how to tell it to my parents."

"Have you told William yet?"

"I don't want to and I also don't want my child to know who his father is."

"Why not? I think you should tell William."

"He wouldn't care." Dara uttered, "Wade I want you to be his father."


"Please, I want him to call you his father. I don't want anyone to know that it's William's baby."

"Dara no one will know that." Wade hugged Dara.

Suddenly Dara started to feel as if she was about to vomit. She quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom. She vomited.

"Are you alright Dara?"

"This is how pregnancy goes, I think." she replied while rinsing her mouth.

"Come." Wade held her from around her shoulders and helped her go back to bed. He made her sit on the bed and poured water in the glass. "There you go." he passed her the glass.

Dara took the glass from his hand but accidently it fell from her hand and it broke. Her foot got cut. It started to bleed. A piece of glass got inside it.

"You should have been careful!" Wade exclaimed and sat to take out the glass from her foot. He started feeling craved for blood. He didn't want to have blood but he couldn't resist. He managed himself to control. He tried his best. He got the glass piece out from Dara's foot. He covered it and got up.

"I…I have to go." he exclaimed.

"What's the matter Wade?"

"I can't control it anymore." Wade said while moving towards the window.

Dara rushed towards him and held his arm, "What is it?"

"Your blood Dara. It's attracting me." he exclaimed.

"But I'm a werewolf. Do vampires suck werewolf's blood too?"

"No we don't but yours smell like humans."

Dara could see his skin getting pale and his eyes getting as golden as ever. She could see his hair standing and goose bumps growing all over his body. She could see his sharp long teeth getting more long.

"Let me go Dara!" Wade exclaimed while getting his arm out of hold.

Dara grabbed him again and held her arm towards him, "If this is so then I want you to suck my blood."

"Let me go!"

"No! I want you to do it."

Wade grabbed Dara from her neck and pushed her towards the wall. He looked at her with the most horrifying eyes. He got her out of hold and was about to leave again when Dara grabbed his hand from behind, "I love you Wade!"

Wade couldn't control it anymore. He pulled her hair on her right side and sucked her blood from the left side of her neck.

"Ahhhhh…!" Dara moaned in pain. Wade kept on sucking her blood. "I love you Wade!" she exclaimed. Wade sucked it a bit harder. "I love you!" she exclaimed again and moaned in pain. With every "I love you!" Dara said, Wade sucked the blood harder. Dara started to feel dizzy. Soon Wade ended up the sucking. He held Dara close and looked into her eyes. Dara brought her face close to Wade's and licked off her blood from his lips. He kissed her. He kissed her passionately. Dara was still feeling dizzy. Wade picked her up in his arms and put her on her bed. He laid beside her and uttered, "I love you too Dara and I'll only love you!"

He took off his shirt as he had a habit of sleeping without a shirt. Dara rested her head on his naked chest and they both hugged each other. Soon they both fell asleep in each other's arms.
