
The Rise of Stylish

At midnight I knock at the shed door as usual. Should I tell Master Hugo I have told Geordie everything about my nightly lessons or keep quiet? Honesty is less messy. The worst he can do is refuse to carry on teaching me to use my switchblades. The door opens and Hugo steps out holding his favourite practise sword. Beckons at me with the blunted blade. I follow him into the patch of woodland.

I hop from one foot to another. “Me and Geordie have been talking...” I trail off wondering how to phrase this without ticking him off too much.

"I expect you lads talk most days. Decent friend to have is Mister Henley." Master Hugo scratches at greasy dreadlocks. "There's always a Henley and a West in a tight friendship. I see them all come and go." He looks to the Cloud Barrier.

"Nope there's always a Henley and a Kaito." Ooo we are sliding off topic. Danny and Geordie have a super ancient friendship bond dating back from very early childhood which is a void neither myself or Charlie will ever be able to fill. My own early ancient ties friendship was killed. I've sort of lost my roots. "Any hoot I was talking about me telling Geordie something you told me to keep -"

Master Hugo holds up a hand cutting me off. “Can you smell smoke?” He sniffs the air. I shake my head. “I smell smoke.”

"Smells like trees to me."

With his sword Master Hugo beckons at me to follow. I do so, encouraging Sunshine to come with us. We head out the trees onto the arena. From here we can see Cloud High. Smoke billows into the clouds.

“Skies above,” musters Master Hugo.

“We’re on fire!”

“Perhaps you ought to go see what’s happening.”

“Me!” I exclaim. “Where’s Team Ashley?”

“On their perimeter check. Looks like someone got through.”

“Or someone was careless in the kitchen.”

“You should think about helping your brothers and sisters.”

“On my own. No way. Please come with me. You can ride Bramble.”

Master Hugo’s eyes grow duller than usual. “My West plunged to his death. I’m never flying again. I’m a master you’re a field agent.”

“I’m not ready.”

“No one’s ever ready. Chances are everyone evacuated. On the flip side they could be burning. I can't force you to help. Run away if helping's too hard. Whatever your decision as long as you look to the clouds rather than the ground, you'll show those who disagree with your actions, you have an element of control. Pay masters and generals no heed. Do only what you can.”

Cloud High is burning. I run. Please please please let everyone have evacuated. There’s nothing I can do if they’re still in there. Is there?

“Vacate to the training ground,” orders Clover. Pheeew everyone’s climbing up the hill. No one needs saving except for my nail polish. I run through excited trainees.

“Corey West turn around,” snaps Clover.

“My art set,” I call on skidding to the bottom of the hill where I collide into my friends. I hold up my hand, showing them my nails. “I need my art set.”

“No need to have a fit.” Geordie shoves my satchel into my hands. It’s not exactly my art set but a smirk tells me what I’m really after is inside.


I jump as the reception window explodes in an inferno sending glass flying.

“Best we get up the hill,” says Charlie, as Tanya and Lee run past us towards the hill. Despite the roles we have been assigned friendship groups do matter more. Charlie spurts after Lee. Manages to catch up with him. Collette has found her way to Max; sticks close to him. They shunt through Don and the first years, then ram through me, Danny, and Geordie.

“Did Thunders do this?” My eyes lock onto Cloud High as smoke pours from windows.

“My guess would be yes.” Geordie pushes me. “We’re too close."

I back up a fraction. “How did they get through Ashley’s patrol?”

“Not politely. Further back.”

Don and his friends skittle by us. One of them falls over. Don turns straight round to help his friend and they run together on up the hill. Bedlam. We live here. Our home is going up in smoke. A fellow field agent team could be in trouble. Shaking because my nerves are getting the better of me I swing myself onto Sunshine.

“Whoa where you going?” says Geordie.

“I’m going to find Ash.”

“How many times? You’re on my team not hers.” Geordie tries to grab round Sunshine as he sprints. Misses him thank luck.

“We could have been on that patrol tonight,” I call behind my shoulder on leaving the ground. None of the other griffons are around meaning no one can try force me back.

Where to start looking? I know Ashley does the same route as Geordie with a section more added on because there are three of them rather than four. What am I doing? I hold onto Sunshine trying to be gentle. My skin vibrates. I’m going to scout round Ashley’s patrol area to see if I can find her is what I’m doing. What is that word she calls me when we’re training? Cadet. Yeah cadet.

I land on patchy grass. Give Sunshine a pat. “Can you search the skies for Ashley while I check down here?”

When Sunshine takes off I realise I am alone on the ground in pitch darkness. Okay I can be cool and confident. Take a brisk walk. A few seconds after these thoughts I jump out my skin as a wild cat gives a yowl in the distance. Deep breaths. Wild cats don’t usually attack people. Nothing to worry about. I’ve done this route a dozen times with Geordie and no wild animals attacked us.

Come to think of it this route is much more open than mine. I have trees to stalk in. Round here there’s hardly anywhere to hide. If someone who intended to harm a Cloudy trainee saw Geordie he’d have to either flee fast or attack. I’ll have to flee fast or attack. Ot-oh Sunshine’s in the sky. I’m by myself. Exposed.

“Corey!” comes a shout from above.

“Ash!” I yell at the sky.

Moments later Snowshoe soars to the ground.

“Corey, you okay? I saw Sunshine flying around on his own and thought the worst.” Ash grabs my hands. “You’re shaking.”

“Cloud High’s on fire! I thought something bad had happened to you on your patrol so came looking.”

“Nothing’s gotten through my patrol. Cripes, Dede and Pepper. I need to find them. Did you say Cloud High is on fire?”

“Yeah it’s full of smoke. Everyone got out as far as I know.”

“Right Pepper and Dede will have to wait. I am going to inform main headquarters of the fire. While I’m gone I need you to get everyone as far away from Cloud High as possible. Head to Watch Post. Ignore Clover’s orders if she kicks her heels. Our main concern has to be with keeping recruits safe not trying to salvage Cloud High.” Ashley lets go of my hands and springs onto Snowshoe. “If anyone tries to ignore you give them hell. Don’t take no for an answer.”

“Yes Miss Ashley. Solidarity amongst trainees.”

We salute each other as we fly in opposite directions. This time my salute is far from a joke. She always knows what to do. Flies from one situation to another with ease. How I’ll make anyone listen to me is a wonder. If I can persuade Geordie to herd everyone to Watch Post, we might stand a chance of getting there.

Cloud High remains smoking on my return. There’s this eerie silence around the place as though someone has died. Someone has died. One of the first years is sprawled on the bridge motionless. I clutch the side of the bridge and lean over, scared I’ll puke. My hands fly to my mouth. Bodies float face down on the pond. How can I get recruits to Watch Post if they are dead? Fetching back up is no use. Please don’t let me be the only one left.

I give Sunshine a push. “Get out of here.” He doesn’t take much encouragement. Seeing corpses agitates his mind so he’s soon running off when I tell him he’s okay to go.

I must search for survivors. Get them away from here. Carefully I tread round the first year on the bridge. Must concentrate on the living. I freeze. A figure moves about further ahead. Have they seen me?

I choke on my own breath as a hand clutches round my ankle. Pulls me behind a bush. “Get down.”

I tremble to my knees. Squeeze in-between Danny and Geordie. “What happened?”

“After you left Thunders stormed the hill. Everyone scattered,” whispers Danny. “We managed to get down the hill.”

“Where’s Charlie?”

“It was chaotic. I followed Geordie. Charlie got forced towards the paddock. We couldn’t go back for him.” Danny falls silent.

“Did you find Ash?” Geordie peers round the bush watching the Thunder prowling.

“Yeah. She’s gone to tell main headquarters. What are we going to do?”

“I kill that one.” Geordie slides his sabre from the sheath. “You two back me up. Al no freezing. Danny stay cool.” There’s that hand gesture. We’re off.

We spring from the bushes. Geordie charges at the Thunder who in turn rushes at us. We’ll collide and someone will die.

Not happening. Not happening.

At some point I get hold of my switchblades. They’re switched open. There’s a cracking noise as Geordie rams his sabre into the Thunder’s chest. Danny lunges forward as another Thunder decides to make an appearance from around the side of Cloud High. Our attack is over in seconds. I wasn’t needed.

“Hurry up.” Geordie takes off up the hill.

Danny pulls his katana free of flesh. “Shouldn’t we get out of here?”

“Charlie could be alive. If he breathes we can’t leave him. If he breathes we kill anyone in our way. Get me?”

“This will end badly for us.” Danny sighs but runs after Geordie anyway, staying low, scaling the hill.

I struggle to contain shrieks as I skip my way round dead trainees. Cloud High should have been under more protection than trainee field agents. So many dead. We make it to the arena. No one is around save for Master Hugo impaled by a blade in front of his shed, with a bunch of trainee corpses behind him.

“Oh goodness,” I gasp.

“Oh badness you mean,” musters Geordie as he takes in the scene for a few split seconds then carries on towards the trees. “Follow my lead. Keep as quiet as those corpses.”

I clutch my switchblades. The blades given to me by Master Hugo. In ten months in his tutor group he’s taught me loads. He can’t teach me anymore. Naive me wanting to treat this training camp as school; I persuaded the others to play along. Geordie was spot on about Cloud High. We're nothing but front line soldiers trapped in the system.

Being in this wooded area is real scary. A Thunder could jump out at us at any time. Geordie’s half crouched leaning slightly round a tree at the edge of this section of woodland. He’s watching something with deep concentration as though drawn to a spot.

“What is it?” I whisper.

Geordie’s fingers twitch on his sabre but apart from that slight movement he remains still. I lean into his shoulder, curious to see what he’s witnessing. My curiosity twists to horror.

Fiery torches light up the paddock. Corpses are shocking enough on the eye. Seeing them being torn apart by a skeletal is an abomination. No griffons are in sight neither is Master Zel. A handful of living trainees kneel inside the paddock with their eyes to the ground.

Yuki skips round them almost dancing a jig. “Who’s next? Who’s next?” She bounces on the spot in front of Lee. “What were they training you to do?” After a few seconds of silence Yuki shows off her blade. Playfully slides steel against her own throat. “You ought to answer my questions if you like having inflated lungs.”


“Logistics. You must be a clever one. Maybe you can tell me where Lucky is.”

Lee shakes his head.

“Boring.” Yuki presses a dagger against Lee’s chest ready to deflate a lung.

“Lay off and I’ll tell you what you want to know.” Charlie shuffles over to sit right by Lee’s side. “I know exactly where Geordie is.”

“Must have seen me stood here. Logistics ass licking traitor,” hisses Geordie.

Yuki flicks her dagger away from Lee, trains it on Charlie. “Do tell.”

“Far away from here. Really really far. Long gone.”

“Long gone are you sure?”


I hope Charlie’s gotta plan. He’s signalling at Lee to get back. Something else must becoming for sure. Slowly Lee edges backwards into Don and a second year. He moved away too fast despite being slow.

“No!” Charlie grabs Yuki’s arm, attempting to force her dagger away from Lee.

“You’re fun.” Yuki's free hand slides into her boot and comes out with a fresh dagger. Swipe. Charlie’s face is slashed. Yuki shoves him to the ground. A skeletal hurries over. “Fresh meat, Grim.” She turns to the remaining trainees. “Stay still or you’ll all be eaten.”

Rage boils off Geordie.

We have to move fast. No time to think let alone be angry. “Get Charlie. I’ll cause a distraction.” Without waiting for a, yes I agree or a no that’s a terrible idea, I move out the cover of trees.

“How’s General Midnight feel about blonds?” I give my hair a flick. Try to keep my gaze away from Charlie being eaten alive. If I look my nerves will turn up full whack. I tilt my head, trying to play it cute and innocent.

“No idea. You again. Where did you flee to this time?”

“Master Hugo’s shed. I was hiding under the bunk.” I climb over the fencing into the paddock. What in the world can I do?

“Corey will save us.” Don runs round me. Clutches to my shirt. I have to do something, anything, fast, so Geordie and Danny can shoo that skeletal away before it’s too late. Could already be too late.

Yuki bursts into laughter. “He’ll save you will he?”

“Sure I will, silly.” I take a few steps through the trainees. Don lets go of my shirt as I pat his arm.

“How?” asks Yuki.

How indeed. “Blonds have all the fun,” I run at Yuki, “and you like fun I can tell.” Looking as though I’m going to try disarm her I leap back as soon as she swipes for me. Yuki comes at me again. I retreat. Have to keep her distracted now Geordie and Danny have gotten into the paddock. This is madness. She’s going to slice my head off.


Madness is exactly what we need. “Everyone scatter!” I shout as I fall over Lee’s legs. I scream as Yuki’s dagger lunges for my face. Turn my head away and hold up an arm. “Ahhh!” I’m struck. At least everyone did as I said for once. They’re on their feet running around the paddock, causing chaos. Don douses the torches. Clever.

“Al move,” yells Geordie in his most commanding voice.

My un-injured arm moves.

Yuki wails. “Agggh!!!”

Something squelches. An eye. Ewww. I scramble away from Yuki. She’s roaring furious as blood drip drips down her cheek. Trainees jump the fencing. “Try keep together,” I call but no one is listening to me anymore.

The last torch is extinguished meaning it’s way dark up here. I see bodies hurtling about but have no idea who’s who. Well I know a furious Yuki is nearby. I run over to where Charlie was laid out on the floor. Bump into Danny’s back. Phew they got rid of the skeletal. Charlie makes weird moaning noises. I wonder how deep it chewed through.

“You have to get up.” Geordie forces Charlie to sit up.

“Careful,” I say as Geordie and Danny try to pull Charlie to his feet. “He could be in traumatic shock. He shouldn’t be walking in shock.”

“He definitely can’t sit withering here. We have to leave now.”

“True.” I crouch opposite Charlie. He can’t sit without support. I hold onto his forearms. “In three seconds you’ll take a deep breath and...” And ewww ewww ewww his arms are slick with blood. I take deep breaths. “He can’t walk like this.”

“What do you suggest?” snaps Geordie as a few Thunders jump into the paddock. I think everyone left except for us. They’re here for Geordie. Danny’s up in a heartbeat, ready to defend with his katanas.

Thwush. Thwush. Thwush.

Griffon wings.

Out of breath as though he’s been flying nonstop for hours, Hotaru lands in the paddock. Is straight over to us. Stares intently at Charlie. Gives him a nudge which receives a moan.

I help pull Charlie onto Hotaru. The griffon’s intense stare locks onto those Thunders as though he wants to mangle them. He doesn’t. Suppresses his anger. Un-latches the gate with his beak, pushes the gate open, gallops off, doing his best not to rock Charlie about.

“I’m gonna kill the bitch.”

“Later yeah?” says Danny.

“No now.

“Later,” I shriek and retreat out the gate as a band of Thunders run at us. I know Geordie’s anger can get the better of him, I also know he’s not stupid. Yeah I’m right they’re behind me. Catch up in seconds.

“Follow Hotaru.” Geordie pushes into my shoulder, wanting me to go faster.

Poor Master Hugo slouched bloody outside his shed. Shed. We’re going to need meds. With no time to give an explanation I swerve towards the shed. Jump over Master Hugo; explode through the door.

“Al, you’re crazy!” yells Geordie.

I think I’m being followed by a Thunder. I undo the toggle on my satchel. Swipe my arm across a shelf of medicines and bandages, catching as many as I can in my satchel. I’m real quick. Manage to jump outta window as a Thunder makes a grab for me. I skirt round the side of the shed. Ot-oh everyone’s gone. Which way did they flee?

I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead.

I spin round knowing there’s no way I can out-run that Thunder. I’m tired, thirsty, and have frozen with no idea what to do. “Yes you do,” I whisper to myself. Wait. I wait. He closes in. I let him. Wait for the last possible moment.

Scream. Slash. Run.

Down down down the hill. Oh badness, he’s staggering after me. Calm down. It’s not as though he’ll possibly catch up with me seen as blood’s pouring from his abdomen. In a minute he’ll crumble. I make it to the bottom of the hill. There’s no sign of anyone else. I want to call out. Can’t or a Thunder might hear and come get me. As I run over the bridge I try to think of a safe place to retreat to. No need to hurt my brain thinking anymore; Geordie runs along the patchy grass.

“Al is that you?”


Geordie kicks my shin. “You shouldn’t take off like that even if you’re having a panic attack.”

I clamp hold of Geordie’s arm. “Where are the Thunders?”

“I’ve no idea. Everyone ran all over the place. Me and Danny followed Hotaru and no one came after us. Best keep it that way so be quiet.”

I nod and hang off Geordie’s arm as he takes me over to where Hotaru is. We end up behind a big rock, where Charlie’s laid out on the floor. Sunshine’s here, crouched low, still trembling. Honey’s turned up too.

“How’s he doing?” I say.

“I can’t make out how bad he is. We need a light,” says Danny.

“We need more than a light,” says Geordie. “Besides we ain’t making a fire to signal anyone to us.”

“He needs medical attention. Guildford must have a doctor,” says Danny.

“You know they only treat their own. They’ve gone superstitious. Besides if they helped Cloudys survive they’d be giving Thunders an open invitation to attack them. They won’t help us,” says Geordie.

“Then we’ll have to force them into helping.”

“Tell me how to force them and I’ll do it simple.”

Leaving those two to their bickering I try examining Charlie myself. His shirts torn up as are his arms. Strips of flesh have been ripped off. His right cheek gushes with blood. Needs stitches.

“Do you know what I’m supposed to do?” I ask Charlie as I start going through my assortment of phials, tubs, and bottles in my satchel. “You’re clever, you’d know. Can you try tell me?”

Charlie withers and moans.

“No ‘kay. I’ll figure it.”

My own injury I took to my arm flares up. I ignore the pain by putting my concentration in trying to read labels on bottles in the dark. “Ooo I found bandages we’ll need those.” I put the wad of bandages to one side.

Geordie glances at me. “What are you doing skulking around inside that satchel?”

“Trying to find the right meds for Charlie.”

“You’ve got meds?”

"I didn't dart into Master Hugo’s shed for one last fond look of the place. I emptied the meds shelf into my satchel. Well most of it. Some stuff ended up on the floor.”

“You’re awesome Al.” Danny joins me going through bottles, phials, and tubs. “We need something to clean wounds. I forget what the something is called.”

“Alcohol?” suggests Geordie. “Vodka works.”

“Yeah it’s like alcohol. Think it begins with an a,” says Danny.

I saw an A bottle earlier, I rummage round. Snatch up one of the bigger bottles. Put the label close to my face so it’s touching my nose. “Anti- anti err anti-special. Nope. Antiseptic.”

Geordie grabs the bottle off me. He twists off the cap then pours the contents directly onto Charlie’s slashed face, and holds a hand over his mouth to muffle screams, while Danny holds him still.

“You should have told him you were going to do that," I say.

“He’s not taking in words. Pass us a bandage.”

“He needs stitches first.”

“I ain’t messing with his face. We’ll see if we can find a professional.”

Hotaru sits with his front legs crossed, staring in discontent at Geordie, clearly unimpressed at how his friend is being handled.

We take off what remains of Charlie’s shirt. I’m scared he won’t be able to survive the skin loss. “How fast does skin grow back? Can it re-grow?”

“He’s not been burnt so the cells ain’t dead. So it should grow back. Find some of that gunky salve. We’ll wipe that on him, bandage him up, job done.” Despite his explanation Geordie doesn’t sound sure of himself.

Finding the salve is easy because I know what that tub looks like. I give it to Danny who rubs it onto Charlie’s arms and chest, when Geordie’s done pouring antiseptic.

“You should have left Lee to his own devices. Better he’d gotten messed up.” Geordie wraps an arm in bandage. “Hold him Al while we wrap up his chest.”


I wince as I hold onto Charlie’s shoulders.

“Shit,” says Geordie on noticing blood leaking out my sleeve, “my Al’s wounded too. I can sort it you if you want me to.”

“When you’re done with Charlie.”

When he is done Geordie hooks his arm round Charlie’s shoulders. “No one hurts my lads. They deffo don’t try feeding them to a skeletal. Yuki pays you’ll see. I’ll get rid of Midnight while I’m at it. You hearing me? Yuki’s a walking corpse.” He passes Charlie to Danny. “De-traumatise him yeah.”

“You can’t just un-traumatise someone,” I say.

“Danny does it with you all the time.” Geordie rolls up my sleeve.

“He un-panics me there’s a difference.”

“Whoa Al the blade must have gone right through. You’ll need stitching up.” Before I can respond Geordie presses a hand against my mouth. “I’d ask you not to scream but we both know you will.”

My eyes water over as antiseptic flows over my wound, getting inside my body. “Mmmmm.” No one hears my screams. They absorb into Geordie’s palm.

“Nobody else get slashed open because we’re fresh outta antiseptic.” Geordie slips his hand away from my mouth. Wipes my saliva on his trousers.

“Charlie’s not looking great,” says Danny as Geordie ties a bandage tight round my injury. “He needs a proper doc as soon as. How about that one in Hackney? The one you went to when you got those spots?”

“He’s a quack.”

“We could stay with your dad for a bit.”

“Take injured traumatised Charlie to stay with an alcoholic are you seriously putting that out?”

“We’re desperate here. I’m going through all possible options. They’d have a doc at main headquarters, right?”

“No way.”

“Charlie could die. We need to do what will be best for his chances.”

“Fine go. You take him. It’s the right thing to do. I can’t come with ya. Won’t get myself trapped in their system.”

“You mean split up?”

“Yeah split. You two wanna be Cloud Associates so go do it. You should go to if you like Al. You’re good at running around helping people outta tough situations.”

I’m not finished helping yet. I wink at Geordie then smile at Danny. “Do you want to be a Cloud Associate? If you do then ought to think it through first. Going to Cloud Headquarters is a massive life decision.”

“Charlie’s no time.”

“I know a talented doctor. I also know a safe place for us to stay where Thunders won’t think to look for us.”

“Where is this magical place you conjured from thin air?” grumbles Geordie.

“My house, silly. My parents will be narked when I turn up on the doorstep and tell them I ran away to Cloud High but would let us in and I’m sure they wouldn’t refuse Charlie a doctor. They’d eventually cool off and be welcoming when they hear our training camp got burnt down.”

“Your house in Kensington?”

“That’s right.”

“Are you sure you wanna turn up there?”

“This is about what’s best for Charlie not me. I think we only have two options: mine or headquarters.”

“It’s your call Danny.”

“Kensington I guess.”

“Great,” groans Geordie, “I’ll get to see how the privileged live.”

“You don’t like wealthy people do you?”

“They’re snobs walling themselves in from people like me.” Geordie looks to the sky and gives a waving gesture. Seconds later Chunk thuds in front of him.

“How long’s he been up there?” asks Danny.

“Since Hotaru showed up. There were a lot of Thunders about. I didn’t want to risk them trying to kill him.”
