
The Birth of The First Emperor in The Sotah World

The emperor's palace was a palace made of light. Its formation occurred millions of years ago when the Sirus star first emitted its rays. Like a frozen light, its long, untextured arrays suddenly froze.

 A very large boulder was finally created. The rock lay in midair, in a straight line with the Sirus star shining directly above it, a great distance away. The boulder would continue to grow in size, as the rays of the star of Sirius shine on and hit the surface.

 At that time the world of Sotah was still a rather barren plain. Various trees as well as grass had not yet grown across the plains. Only a few plains, sheltered by beings possessing life-generating powers, had fertile territories.

 The Sotah world also didn't have an emperor back then. Some living things dispersed and chose their respective leaders, lived in colonies, and never colonized each other.
