

~Mushroom Kingdom Hospital, April 2, 2021, ~

(Kel & Mario are busy waiting in the lobby, seeing any recent development on Lo's other friend Nishaki)

Kel: (to Mario) Do you think she remembers all this when she wakes up?

Mario: I don't know.

(That was when a purple-haired woman came out of the hallways & entered the lobby. She then noticed Kel & Mario, & then sat down with them)

Nishaki: So... how long did you know about my friend?

Kel: Does living with him for over 2 years be enough?

Nishaki: Meh, more or less. I can't believe we've been gone for more than a decade, & saw he's still doing well with you two fellas. Do you know where he is?

(That was when Lo appeared on Kel's screen arm as it entered video chat)

Lo: Uh hi there. Is this a bad time?

~May 7, 2021, Bo's Place~

Kel, via screen-chat: No way. Did she make portals now?

Lo: Yeah. & it seems impressive she's the same one who helped us months ago. Let's hope I'll be back in time for SMG4's 10th anniversary.

Kel: Sure to that. See you soon, babe.

(both sides then kiss each other on the screen as the call ends. & then Bo kickstarts the portal)

Bo: Alright, all systems go. Are you ready to return home?

(Lucinia then buzzes in Lo's arm, feeling exhilarated upon their return)

Lo: Let's do it.

(Suddenly, before leaving, he tipped over a photo album. He came to retrieve it, only to stop at a familiar slit-out photo. It depicts a small Yellow Kirby & a large Purple Kirby together, only that the one at the top right's ripped off. Lo just couldn't help but wonder what his origin's like, & where are his parents now...)

Bo: Lo, you coming?

Lo: Yeah.

(They both went into the portal & when they came out, something feels off)

~Apartment Building, 18:00, 2021~

Lo: Bo?

Bo: What is it?

Lo: (looks at the building that's quite the same as his former home) Doesn't this building explode over a year ago?

(As Bo checks her device, Lo suddenly felt something on his back, zoned out & someone took him to one of the lots)

Bo: (I don't know. This does not look like we're at the Mushroom Kingdom, but rather... (looks behind to see Lo went missing) Lo?

(then, she hears footsteps coming from the alleyway) Uh... Lo, is that you?

(That's when a bearded man entered her sight, carrying some parts)

Marco: Uh, close enough. The name's Marco, the head honcho of Rustworks.

Bo: Is that an organization for gamers like you?

Marco: More or less. You'll be welcome to the crew if you like.

Bo: I don't know... I was trying to find my friend here.

Marco: Nonsense. I'm pretty sure he'll be at my place. Come on.

(Bo then starts feeling unwell as she follows him, not knowing what Lo's getting into)

~Silica City~

(Lo suddenly wakes up on top of a highway, right near the area where Lucks was shot)

Lo: Where am I? (looks at his side only to see Tari being creeped out by non-Belle & non-Masa) Tari?!

MR Tari: Lo? Is that you, or some creepy-dolled washout like those two?

Lo: Nah, I'm real. What is happening right now?

Tari: Well currently, (sees non-Belle & non-Masa singing) it looks like they're singing about Evelyn.

Non-Lucks: -who is much better than Tari!

Lo: Anyhow, should we get out of here & (notices a giant Evelyn in the sky) WOAH MY GOODNESS!

Evelyn: Woo hoo, I love this song!

Lo: Uh, this is getting creepy for me, so I'll... (notices the same shadowy figure from the top of the van all those months ago) Aw great, not you again. I'm out.

(That was when he struck Lo's arm & disabled his warp function)

???????: I won't let you go that easily.

(The two then started to fight over the highway, only to crash into a moving van)

Lo: What is your deal with me? Why did you want me & my pals so bad?

???????: (looks at his arm, where Lucinia's quivering at the screen) Because you got what I want. (dropkicks him to the same apartment building) & my assistant does her job well too.

(He then tosses him into the lots, whereas Lo sees blueprints of the arm, revenge files, & those chips that controlled him & his pals)

Lo: This does not look good at all.

???????: Well, you don't like this one bit. (knocks him out with a chair) Well come to think of it, the chair does look too forceful...

~Unknown lab~

(When Lo wakes up, he's strapped on a metal chair, visibly chained from his wrists & ankles. He then sees someone right near Belle & Masa, whom they're "talking" behind the soundproof window)

???: (to the two) Hey, say something if you want me to stop. Yeah... I don't think so. NURSE PROGRAMS!

(Suddenly, 3 nurse programs had been summoned & Sheridan focuses his attention on Lo) Well, looks like my catch of the day's finally awake.

Lo: What are you gonna do to me, you creep?

???: Oh, it's not what I gonna do to you... (that's when Lo notices Tari strapped up on a metal bedframe) It's what I need for both of you. (to Tari) For you Tari, you went out to the big world, & you did EXACTLY what you're supposed to do.

Lo: Please don't tell me that whack-job's the Sheridan guy they've told me about & she was supposed to take down the middleman Lucks.

Sheridan: (warps onto Lo) DING, DING, DING! That's right. (conjures his robot helmet) I was also that fellow that hit you with a chair! (tosses the helmet to Lo)

Lo: I'm sorry, what?

Sheridan: Well, I'm not sure if those methods work on beating the middleman, but (to Tari) YOU got there in the end, sport! & I can decommission both of you & return those extra brain functions to the person you took them!

Lo & Tari: You don't mean...

(Sheridan then lifts the fabric from the other bed, revealing a familiar comatose person in pink hair)

Lo, Tari, Masa, & Belle: LUCINIA!

(The little Lucinia in Lo's arm felt shocked as well, seeing her body again after so long)

Sheridan: Again with the calling out names, what is with you people?

Lo: Guys, I know this is way too messed up right now, but did you seriously let our friends get through this trouble too?

Sheridan: (chuckles a bit) I don't deserve (reveals his explosion-ridden face) THIS either, (reverts to normal) & both of you, we're going to fix... all of it.

(Suddenly, Lo feels a slight pain on the back of his head as if... something's lodging to his brain...)

Lo: Now it REALLY doesn't look good!

End of Ch. 37
