
Chapter 66: TYLER

I headed back to headquarters or what we had come to jokingly call that. Candy had been back for a day once it was decided that the leak wasn't coming from that direction. Though she'd spent more time with the girls and the baby yesterday than she did doing any work.

Now she was sequestered in her office which was on the other side of the mansion, while we were on ours doing our thing. It struck me as I walked in that though we'd avoided this place in the beginning, we did use it to discuss business with Candy, that's what her office here was for. And beyond that, if our suspicions that the commander had been murdered proved true, then there was a good possibility....

"Did we sweep this place? I mean the whole thing from top to bottom." The idea had just hit me out of nowhere. I don't know why none of us had thought of it before; maybe because we couldn't see anyone getting the drop on the commander to get by him to plant something.
