
The hidden mystery part 1

"Let's think about it after we clean up" the teen did not complain over the order and they started the cleanup.

It was a mindless hassle for them to perform. Mark had already sent a small message to inform the base commander about what had happened and updated them about this situation. People had started to filter out of their hiding spots.

Some of the dead bodies they had dumped were still intact, the others had visible holes inside them. 

"Let's burn them all. They could be carrying infection in them" Mark advised Alan who agreed with a nod. He might not agree with Mark's decision from an emotional point of view but he did understand it from a logical point of view.

"Do you have some samples saved for me?" Rika asked as soon as she saw them. In reality, she had wanted to ask if they were alright and if she could help with anything but she had been unable to voice it. 
