
Human born abnormality part 1

Once the teen left, Mark really felt the weight of the whole situation fall over him. It was a stressful feeling for sure but it was more confusing than it was stressful.

Since he had time, Mark utilized it looking for the object that had made the system sensor go off. While it might not be the Vial that had set it off, his gut feeling said it was and he just trusted it.

Even if it turned out not to be the case at all, he would still need to confiscate those things if it made his system beep off. It had not done such a thing for any of the previous rooms so that was new.

And a little troublesome. Why these rooms of all places?

The biggest obstacle was to actually find the location of that object which had set it off. The system pinned the immediate area where the object was but it did not give a concrete location for the same. It meant that it would fall onto Mark to find it by hand.
