
You Broke Me, Brother [1]

Ryan looked at them, their faces contorting into different emotions.

He could see the conflict and disbelief in their eyes. He could see them wondering what the fuck he had done. How he could do that. He could see them contemplating sending him to Nik, and while he wouldn't object, he had made a promise to Dylan, and he planned on keeping it.

He had promised that he would stay alive, but that was before Dylan's family learned of all the shit he had put them through. They would hate him, but he was used to being hated. They would want him dead, but he was already dead inside.

They would take everything away from him, but he had already lost so much already. He had nothing more to lose. The garners could send him away, but he expected that, so it wouldn't hurt anyway. Maybe it would hurt for a while, but after that, everything would be okay, and he knew it. He wasn't scared.
