
I'm So Sorry

Alex was caught in the middle, between the love of his life and his sister, and while they were not making him choose, his guilt was growing by the second. He hadn't even thought about the fact that Lexi would be affected.

He had been blinded by getting Lia to safety that he had even forgotten to take care of himself, and right now, looking at his broken-hearted sister, he knew for a fact that he had messed up.

He wanted to tell her it would be okay, that life would get better, but how was he supposed to do that when just a few hours back and the city was already flooding with mysteries and conspiracy theories about what happened and what may have forced him and his love to stay hidden?

How was he supposed to be in a position to care for his family when the world was looking at him, glaring at him like he was in the wrong when he clearly wasn't?

He needed a distraction, but no matter how many distractions he would get, the eyes that looked right at him at this moment would never leave him be. He loved his sister; he really did, but seeing Lia in that state had broken him.

He wanted to ensure she was okay grated, his sister was in the same position, but he had Ryan check on her. He couldn't find an explanation for when the vest strapped on Lexi had refused to come out, or the timer had run out when Ryan had removed it.

There had to be some explanation, but he was a failed brother right here and now, and he would make up for it if she let him.

"I didn't know…I swear I didn't. I just…I needed to attend to Lia. She had internal injuries, and she was dying. I couldn't let that happen, Lex. You know what she means to me, and I couldn't. I know you'd do the same if it were Mia. I couldn't watch the love of my life fade before me.

Some guy came to us last minute, he knew Lia, and he was protecting her for some reason. I figured he was her brother or her brotherly figure because she's an orphan, you know that.

I couldn't pass up the chance sis, he offered to get Lia and me to a safe place so she could get her treatment, which she did, but we were caught up in the long winter." As Alex continued, Lexi's eyes softened; she could understand where her brother was coming from.

If the positions were switched, she would have done even worse.

The past month Mia hadn't acknowledged her for an hour, and she went crazy thinking about it. She hadn't focused on anything, let alone the fact that the woman she loved was back home without telling her. But she still wanted to know what stopped him from reaching out.

If anything, the money the Garners had could very well sustain them for a decade without them having to work for any more cash. All they had to do was reach out to their family and let them know they were doing okay.

That was the only request that Lexi had.

"Why didn't you call? Why didn't you try reaching out?"

"I couldn't. I had to be sure the people I had sent to protect you guys were stationed. I needed to know if anyone had tried reaching out to you guys. I needed to know what had happened and why…but I couldn't get anything, so I added security.

You all had people following you. They were a lot to the point you couldn't tell. But each time you, ma, or papa were out, you all had eight people on you. The numbers were a lot, and Lia had thought it was too much, but she helped me manage them.

She helped me ensure you all were safe. I knew I would eventually come home, but not until I had gotten everything right. Even then, I didn't find who was behind that. The time o got to them, and I realized they had been murdered, all of them like karma was on duty."

"you didn't answer me, brother, weren't there any ways of communication? Just something to tell us you were alive so mother wouldn't go into depression many times than one?" At that, Alex couldn't help but scoff; even Lia laughed for a moment there.

That place was the very definition of remote and resourceless. It was almost like they were living in a different plant. Their grandparents were still stuck in old age, and they loved it, especially since, for them, technology only drove people apart.

Anyone who wanted to visit them would tell them through letters, so they were prepared; otherwise, the person would be stuck at the airport with no direction of where home was.

It had literally taken Alex three weeks to get out of the snow and reach the closest main road, which had been filled with people on the backs of donkeys. It was a hilarious place to live in, now that they thought about it, but they were also sure Lexi would never survive an hour there.

"well…literally, that place is so remote. They still use letters to communicate and the red telephone booths, but those only work for people within the small town. So technically, I couldn't reach out even if I wanted to. I just couldn't. I'm sorry, sis."

"This is sad yet hilarious. My brother in a remote area; tell me how did you survive…writing letters ha-ha. I can't even imagine you writing a letter; that would be so fucked up" Lexi laughed at their misery, almost as if she would have survived, but then the tension was starting to wear out; at least that was a sign of improvement.

They would be okay.

Their family would be okay, but Alex writing letters was something that Lexi could pay to watch, but it was over now.

Hopefully, they weren't going to play hide and seek with each other again.

There was a reason Lexi hated that game.

"I know, but then it was the safest option, and Lia was finally able to heal," Alex said as everything suddenly turned quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the commotion at the gates caused by the media personnel.

Alex wondered if the question his sister had been over because he was hungry.

He had spent the whole morning making love to his woman and eating her up.

It was something he wasn't regretting, but he needed to stock up on energy; otherwise, there wouldn't be any strength left for him to go with her through the adventure again.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

she_ospreycreators' thoughts