
Peacefully Relaxing Until...

The soon-to-be battlefield was very still. The soldiers could be seen lying in wait, preparing for what would come. They were all brave men ready to give their lives for the people, but that didn't eradicate the fear. No, they had simply learned to live with it. 

Some could be seen scribbling their will on their UW, some were munching on rations trying to calm their nerves, some whistled catchy tunes, and some joked around to forget that death was around the corner. Similar conversations could be heard all around the camp: 

"You recently joined from the Black Squad, didn't you? How do you feel about your first war?" 

"Insignificant. That's how I feel. I look at those energy walls set up everywhere, knowing even it will all fall,  and I can't help but tremble. I hope I make it back alive, but I've already given up. Honestly, I'm terrified." A recruit admitted. 
