
Letters to Romeo Part 4

Too soon, the gong bursts Daniel out of his discussion with the six.

Daniel catches his breath and glances at his hologram device. Sure enough, class has ended.

Aside from Noe, each of the six has deflated, backs hunched, lips pursing in petrified anticipation. 

Straightening up, Daniel considers his students' next steps - some have Sir Renner, others shall be heading to Solitude. The day shall not be easy for them.

An air of seriousness chokes the classroom.

"That's it for today, class," Daniel speaks solemnly.

His students rise to their feet. They cannot meet Daniel's eyes.

No matter what comes at them, Daniel would at least wish for his students to maintain their confidence. In the face of adversity, belief in themselves will prosper, and that belief could save their worlds one day.

"Chins up, eyes straight ahead," Daniel commands. "There is nothing they can throw at you that you won't get up from; not on my watch."
