
Soy Boys Everywhere 10

Two hours later, you were more or less finished up for the day, and the only thing left to do, was put the newspaper together properly and run it through the printing press to make a bunch of copies, and then on Monday morning you would be handing them out.

"Right, well I'll see you three tomorrow," Gin tossed you all a wave, and a smile, that as highlighted by the shiner forming over his right eye, "I've got a lovely little magazine and lotion with my name on them."

"Ew," Moka wrinkled her nose as he walked off, "I think he's trying to copy you with that bluntness thing you do to pick up girls."

"He'll fail," you shrugged, "A soy boy like him lacks my big dick energy."

"It is..quite...actually really big." Moka giggled, averting her eyes from yours with a flush on her cheeks. You grinned at her roguishly, while you hadn't had the time to have sex again since the first time, since Kurumu was always with you both in your dorm room, the pink haired vampiress had become much more used to the more carnal side of your relationship, and eagerly reciprocated sometimes even.

Honestly, you quite liked walking around with your hand on her ass and letting everyone know just who she belonged to.

"I wouldn't know, you won't let him show me," Kurumu pouted at her as she closed the empty classroom door behind her, before clapping her hands, "Right, I need to go see Nekomone-sensei about something, so I'll see you two back at the dorm in a little while."

"Alright, we'll see you in a bit then!" Moka happily smiled back at her.

The blue haired girl gave you a smile and walked passed you, a familiar letter hanging from her skirt pocket. Before she got out of reach though, you gently grabbed her wrist, stopping her in place.

"Kai?" she asked, looking at you confused.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" You asked, she covered it well, but for a split second you could see it on her face. The horror and the shame. Before Kurumu could do anything, you snatched the envelope from her short skirt and slipped it open.

"No, wait Kai!" she tried to stop you, lips trembling.

But it was too late, you already saw what you needed to see.

'If you don't want these pictures to become public, come alone to the Monster Tree in the main schoolyard.' - Negare.

And alongside the letter, a series of photos that caught the blue haired girl in quite a few provocative photos, and even a few in her underwear.

You froze, your teeth snapping together with a loud click and grinding together.

"...This was before I met you! I let this guy take some pictures of me to try and make myself more popular than Moka!" Kurumu cried, loking up at you through sudden teary embarrassment filled eyes, "It..it was only those pictures. I..I didn't do anything with him or anyone else, I promise! I-I might be a succubus but I'm not that type of girl." she panicked and rushed to explain.

That wasn't the problem at all. Your Youki felt like it was boiling beneath your skin. Just when you thought the soy boys at this school could not go any lower. Now it was someone who was so pathetic they couldn't even come head on at you and were resorting to this kind of thing...!

Before anything else, before you lost complete control of your temper, you breathed out a small plume of fire and destroyed the letter, photos and all. You let the cinders drop from your fingers to the floor and used your grip on her wrist to tug her into your chest, and placed your now free hand on her head, "Don't worry, I'm not angry at you," you said as soothingly as you could with how absolutely fucking livid you were, "And besides, even if you had, do you really think I'm that much of a hypocrite to turn against you if you weren't a virgin when I slept with plenty of women before I met you and Moka?" only a pathetic virgin would be angry at a girl for that.

She sniffled, but didn't shy away, rubbing her face against your chest, "...Still, it was a gross and embarrassing thing I did," she replied, "I chose you, and nobody else. you're the only one I want to see my body like that."

"Don't worry about it," you gently pat her head, "I'll take care of it." you promised.

She looked up into your eyes, "I caused it though! I shouldn't drag you into problems I created myself."

You poked her in the forehead, "You want to be my woman right?" you raised an eyebrow.

Kurumu blinked, "..Well yeah, obviously." she replied.

You pushed her gently towards Moka, "Then let me handle it, this is my position he's attacking," you told her, "You two just go to the dorm, drink some cocoa or something and relax. I'll be done in ten minutes tops." after all, any loser that tried this shit, couldn't have any real strength.

Moka grimaced as she caught your eyes. She already knew what you were planning. But, she wasn't going to speak up. Because, this wasn't about her for once. "Yeah Kurumu, let's just let Kai handle this," the pink haired girl touched her arm to the blue haired girls own and gently tugged her along, "It's practically his thing at this point and how he gets to get some fights in. We can get started on dinner, I'll help you out tonight."

Kurumu looked you in the eyes, hesitant. But she reluctantly let Moka pull her along when jerked your chin at her and ordered her to go.

You watched them off, before heading out towards where the meeting place was said in the letter. It was just outside the back of the school, so it didn't take you long to get there at all, only a minute or two. And there was only one youki signature in the area, within the tree. A pitifully weak one, barely any stronger than that fool pretender from the other day.

You caught sight of movement in the trees, and a figure jumped out to land on the ground and immediately began running away from you.

A running speed that was so pitifully slow any average human teenager could outpace them. You scoffed and then the air shook as you took off, shooting after them in a blur of speed.

The air displaced as you appeared in front of them, blocking them off just a second or so later. It was a boy, a skinny, runty boy, with long mushroom style hair that covered his eyes, and cheeks dotted with freckles, a camera around his neck.

He yelped in fright, falling onto his backside. And you grimaced in disgust when you noticed, his skin was absolutely covered in slimy sweat.

"K-Kai!" he stuttered, voice filled with fear, you saw a beady eye staring up at you through the parting in his hair, terror shining clearly.

"Nagare is it?" you said calmly, before letting your youki loose, the burning red inferno of power exploding out of you, fuelled with your desire to rip him limb from limb. "Can you think of something you shouldn't have done?"

"S-sssorrry! I-I'm s-sorry please!" he pleaded.

Youki surged and ignited within your chest and you took a deep breath, "No." you denied him flatly, and then opened your mouth wide as you exhaled and let loose a massive gout of flame that washed over his body entirely.

An ear piercing shriek of agony and terror tore through the area, before dying down only seconds later. You watched the burning flame you let loose until it died down a minute later, leaving nothing but scorched black and molten slag behind.

"Tell Saizou I said hello you piece of trash." you spat at where a soy boy once was.

You turned on your heel and as promised, you made your way back towards your dorm. You made sure to pay extra special attention to Kurumu, and even Inner Moka didn't speak up for once when she got a bit handsy with you.

Nagare Kano

Youki: E++

Strength: F+

Durability: F++

Speed: F-

Would be a big help if you guys follow/fav my pokemon stories on here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4029118/0-Jordinio-0

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