
Wyvern and Vampire 2

So her power was sealed off then? That sounded familiar. Your eyes flickered to the Holy Lock wrapped around your wrist. Once upon a time, you had to use it like that to seal off your power so it didn't overwhelm you and turn you into a ghoul.

Though, unlike her, you were able to slacken the seal as you pleased. And Nowadays, you just used the Holy Lock as a storage unit for your own youki, to basically use it as a battery if you were ever running low. After all, according to Mikogami, it could contain he power of a vampire if needed. It could store up to three times your current maximum amount of youki.

"Huh, neat," you smiled at her, "Must have been tough being around people you couldn't connect to though."

"It really was!" Moka nodded vigorously, eyes sparkling, "Nobody would ever believe me when I told them about monsters being real and that I was a vampire, they just always laughed at me and made fun of me." she trailed off into a sad little pout.

"..Well, believe it or not, I'm actually in a similar kind of situation," you continued, breaking her from her sad recollections. When she looked at you curiously, you lifted your arm and dangled your Holy Lock in front of her eyes, "Though for pretty much opposite reasons."

"Is that a rosary like mine?" she gasped.

"Something like that," you shrugged before grinning impishly at her, "Though I have to admit, the way you told me about your rosary, really was a bit chuuni. Don't tell me you told people something like, 'This isn't even my final form!'"

Her beautiful eyes widened and her cheeks blossomed into a heated red. Your grin widened even further, "...Wait, did you..?"

"NoOoOo~ I don't want to remember tha-" the pink hared beauty clasped her hands to her face and turned on her heel to move away from you, only to trip over a tree root, "Ooof!" she gasped as she fell face first onto the ground.

'Damn.' you had to withhold a whistle as you looked at her, face down as she was, her rear hovering a bit in the air. Her tiny little brown-green school skirt riding right up and hiding nothing, displaying her full, round creamy ass, with a plain pair of white panties stretched to the limit around her bodacious cheeks.

That is one amazing ass.

Moka's head turned to look at you over her shoulder, her eyes noting exactly where you were looking and her face got even redder, "I-I'm sorry!" she apologized, for some reason, jumping to her feet. Despite the tumble, she didn't seem hurt at all. You supposed that even sealed as she is, she's still far more hardy than any human.

"Trust me, nothing to be sorry for," you waved her off, "In fact, good on you." you praised. Because that was something worth praising.

She smiled lightly at your praise, before wringing her fingers together a bit, "S-so...what kind of monster are you?" she asked, changing the subject.

Well, since she revealed her own species to you, it would be rude no to share yours with her, "I'm a hybrid." you replied.

Moka blinked, the race receding from her face as confusion replaced embarrassment, "..A hybrid?" She wondered, "Is that like...a monstrel?"

A Monstrel. Otherwise known as a hybrid monster race. According to the beastiary, they were more or less, mongrel monsters. Not of pure monster breed, and instead the result of two different species of monsters breeding together. From what you gathered, they were looked down upon a lot, despite the fact they tended to take dominant traits of the stronger parent and lesser traits of the other parent that would strengthen them further. In general, they were superior monsters for the most part to their parents.

"Something like that," you mused, "But, I was originally a human. I ended up getting monster blood through few circumstances and became a hybrid between a human and a wyvern."

Moka gasped, and took a step back looking at you in shock, and..a bit of fear? "What's wrong with you?" you wondered, confused.

"...I hate humans." she replied, biting her lip.

Well, that was abrupt. "Why?" you asked.

"...Because all the humans I was ever around, all they ever did was mock me, make fun of, bully me, they ridiculed me constantly because they just wouldn't believe I was a vampire and that I drank blood," she shook lightly, her face paling, "I hate humans, I can't be me around them!"

Well, this escalated quickly.

You rolled your eyes. Maybe it was because she was hot, and generally seemed kind, but you tried not to let how little that sounded in comparison to what you dealt with annoy you.

"You were being yourself just fine twenty seconds ago, right?" you pointed out with a snort, "Seems more like you were around assholes that didn't let you be you, rather than just humans. Besides, playing devils advocate here, but to most humans, monsters are only beings that live in fairy tails, games and movies, not in real life, they probably just thought you were being chuuni, though, not that them ridiculing you is acceptable either way."

She swallowed, but didn't refute your claims at all. She dipped her head lightly, "...I suppose that's fair, you haven't acted like them those other humans at all to me." Moka agreed, albeit hesitantly.

"Besides, blaming an entire species for the actions of a few isn't really fair now is it?" you raised an eyebrow at her, "I mean, how would you feel if I hated you and every other monster on sight because a wyvern killed my entire family and got me turned into a hybrid freak that isn't fully monster or human." you shrugged.

Moka's mouth and eyes dropped open in horror. "..W-what?" she stuttered.

"I mean how do you think I got monster blood?" you asked with a smirk, "It's because while that fucker was rampaging around and killing us all, my father shot its eye out and its blood poured all over me.

You were surprised to hear a sniffle come from her, and you gaped as you noticed honest to god tears welling up in her eyes, "Kai...I'm so sorry for you!" she cried, and then outright lunged at you, wrapping her arms around your neck and hugging you.

You ended up having to awkwardly pat her on the back, and it looked more like you comforting her than the other way around.

"...By the way, about your earlier question," you brought up, feeling a bit awkward. Man, you couldn't even enjoy the way her soft body felt up against you with her crying like this, "If you still wanna be friends, I'm all for it."

You used to have a lot of friends. Not any now. It would be nice to have one again, you thought.
