

"The famous noob on the forum?" Lu Yao creased his brow and glanced at ZhenZhen. He did not understand what Shen talked about, and he thought Shen was an amazing player based on his conversation with ZhenZhen. The young man did a lot for the village, more than anyone. How could a player that could hunt a level 32 monster become a noob? That did not make sense at all.

"You don't know?" ZhenZhen smiled while shaking her head. The famous noob was a title Shen brought with him from the previous game. She did research about her friend and got to know why Shen got the title. It was ridiculous to call someone noob for not following the meta.

ZhenZhen glanced at Shen and asked. "It's okay if I tell him about you, right?" She asked the person directly. This was an uncomfortable topic for sure, but she still asked. She was not insensitive, but because she felt that the title was ridiculous, she felt Shen was not a noob.
